I am...

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Sincerely grumpy that what I was previously writing on this page got erased.
- Sincerely sorry to my whole 22 followers for not posting for 3 months, and before that nearly 2 years.
To make you feel that you may or may not want to know me better, I have compiled some facts about myself:

1. I am 16 in 26 days
2. I have the same birthday as Elvis Presley
3. My first fandom was Harry potter
4. I have a fandom tumblr and Instagram. I never post on my personal. (I'm not interesting enough :P)
5. If I were to list the names of my book fanatic domains, I would be here all day. Harry Potter, the Hunger Games, Divergent, The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, Twilight, The Selection, The Maze Runner, The Fault in Our Stars, The Book Thief, Beautiful Creatures, The Chronicles of Narnia (how could I forget THOSE??!) The Host (SO needs a bigger fandom), River of Time (mmmm Marcello), Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Matched, Anna and the French Kiss, Lottie Biggs, .........the Magical Faraway Tree (I LOVE THOSE STORIES they always make want to be a little kid again...) Anne of Green Gables (oh, just read the series. It is classic -literally- and the narrative flows beautifully.),Dork Diaries, The Princess Diaries, and that's all I can remember now!
6. It is 12.57 am now where I live
7. I'm a cat lover with 2 cats, one black one called Max and a tabby-tortoiseshell called Emily.
8. I was told to go to bed precisely 2 hours and 40 minutes ago. Then Instagram/wattpad distracted me. Lethal combination.
9. I have the hiccups.
10. Though it is extremely creepy my favourite emojis are 🌚🌝
11. I need to go to bed now.
Goodnight! And may the first update be tomorrow. Today. The rest of today.
Live long and prosper🌻

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