The Tragic Family and other moral issues

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Main Girl lives at home alone. With her abusive father and mother who is either dead or could not care less about coming home again. Brother and sister sick with cancer. She puts on a smile at school and no one knows her pain. Yet Hot but Sensitive boy seems to be seeing right through this.

This is the Tragic Family. It's a sensitive topic because some families do resemble this in some parts, at least. However the number of these stories is desensitising the entire wattpad community.

I don't know about you, but I know some people who don't exactly have the perfect relationship with their parents, yet I've NEVER heard of any of these plotlines even being possible in real life.

Some of these stories can be good. Good as in, painting a realistic picture of it and paying attention to details. But HOLD UP.
How can Main Girl (it's always a girl) basically live like a teenage socialite and get perfect grades and chat with her friends like nothing of this is happening at home?!

Hey Becky! Wanna have a sleepover at my place? Together we can plug our ears with death metal to ignore the shouting.
Becky: Sweet! I'll bring the popcorn.

Nooooooooooo please no. But not only is Main Girl living a normal life, she dedictes her life to painting her facade to please everyone else. And her best friend is about the most useless best friend in the universe and doesn't even tell anyone about what Main Girl is going through at home. I don't know about you, but my best friend probably would've at least bought me a wardrobe by now so i can disappear into Narnia and never come back. And fill it with coats just to humour me. Hey, even common people can become Kings and Queens there!

Not only are these stories insensitive but they are morbidly depressing sometimes. A depressing book usually isn't published to make everyone else feel depressed. Usually, well, it's there so the world can learn to understand it.

Ah!!1 AHHHHAH i forgot an important aspect of these as well: Main Girl (let's call her Skylar) is also a demon hunter and before she can save the world, she has to first conquer her father. Because after all, to hit her with a burning poker you'd have to be possessed, right? Skylar leaves her home in defeat and writes her family off as a lost cause.

Problem unsolved.

But Skylar is really immature.

"I knew I could never go home again. I just couldn't get over my father calling me a baby. 'I love you Skylar baby, I know I'm being horrible but I just can't control this.' My father would never understand. Becky does. My best friend. She never tells anyone what i'm going through. She's the best secret keeper."

Skylar won't ever be able to forgive anyone. The whole world is against her!

I need to get home now! If I don't then I'll lose my A+++++ in Chemistry!!!!!!

She falls in love with her abusive captor who isn't even appealing in any way -

My captor beat me across the face with a belt, then screamed in my ear the most filthy words I hadn't even heard of in fould breath which made me ashamed I spoke the same language as he did. I blushed. He hung me up by the hands and I could barely breathe. I blushed. He left my cell with a dirty look that told me he wanted more. I blushed. I couldn't believe I was falling for him!

The sexy captor story. Oh, damn this can work well.

Except not when the girl falls for him only because he's hot.

And also when he can't put a sentence together which isn't about abusing her until her ears fall off.

Oh wait, I forgot, he's hot!

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