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Tap, tap tap.

Her shoes echoed slightly as she walked down the empty corridors. Her h/c coloured hair bobbed slightly with each step, and her e/c eyes looked dull as she turned the corner quickly.

Finally she...

Y/n's ankle twisted painfully as she tripped over her own feet, tumbling straight to the floor.


The students out in the corridor snickered quietly at the female who sat there, still surprised at what had happened.

Kirishima rushed over from the other side of the set looking quite scared as the female still hadn't really responded to anything.

As soon as he put his hand on her shoulder, Y/n looked up to the ceiling and shouted at the top of her lungs dramatically.


As if on cue, the sound effects people put on some rain and thunder, deepening the drama and emotions.

Kirishima shook his head pitifully, hand covering his face as he mourned for his friend.


"Oi, look at me when I speak to you bitch." He snapped, grabbing her chin and pulling her face towards his.

Unfortunately, he grabbed her chin much harder than he intended, causing Y/n to wince slightly.

Monoma immediately took his hands off her and examined her face gently.

"Oh I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you?" (No one heard the extremely tired "cut".)

He tilted her head to the side to check if there were any upcoming bruises, causing the girl herself to smile and laugh at him.

She took Monoma's hands off her, shaking her head a little in amusement.

"I'm fine, it's gonna take more than that you big softy!" She smiled, playfully punching him in the chest.

Monoma exhaled in relief, "oh good! I was actually worried that I had hurt you for a second there!" He laughed along with Y/n.


"There's Shoto Todoroki. He's also pretty feared like Bakugou but for other reasons. He normally doesn't show much emotion, almost like you, but when he does. It's pretty scary.

I was unlucky enough to experience him showing emotion when someone mentioned his family. He beat them up until they were fully knocked out, but even then he kept going. It was- it was scary, that's all I can say."

Y/n felt the slightest, the tiniest bit of pity for Iida when he told her the story. She had seen how he had shuddered when speaking of it, but she also knew that if he wanted to stop being picked on, he would have to man up.

Nevertheless she kept her face emotionless as she spoke,

"Does he have any abs?"

Iida looked at Y/n in horror, blushing wildly. She merely grinned cheekily and put her hand on her chin, as if thinking.

"I do like my men with some abs." She said, still apparently deep in thought.

"I also like my men handsome, but not any more than me, sorry Todoroki but you have to go, abs or no abs."

As if on cue, Todoroki stormed onto set and grabbed Y/n by the collar, dragging her out of the room explaining that he "needed to teach her a lesson."

Needless to say, when Y/n came back, her face was very red.

When asked what happened, Y/n's eyes only widened more as she whispered.

"Abs..." (He showed her what real abs looked like.)

Shooting could be done the next day, they decided.


Soon enough, the day was over, and the two boys jumped up immediately to catch the girl that had caught their interest. She had seemed to have disappeared though!

They followed the crowd of students, pushing and shoving their way through, earning a few complaints here and there before people realised who they were.

Soon enough, they found themselves in an ally way, where they found a surprising discovery.

Monoma was scrambling backwards out of the alleyway, screaming at the top of his lungs, not long afterwards both Y/n and Tamaki came walking out, an air of importance and seriousness about them.

They both stormed over to Monoma, who was still screaming and running backwards, and started pointing at him both menacingly and confusedly.

"Why are you running? Why are you running?!" They questioned him, still chasing after him. (I've seen the full scene from the movie and I'm actually crying!)


At this, both Kaminari and Kirishima burst out laughing.

Kaminari looked directly into the camera, drying a few tears.

"This is what happens when you give Y/n the freedom to change the scripts." He snorted, holding onto his stomach at the scene that was still happening in front of him.


Y/n's mind thought back to her and Iida's conversation earlier throughout the day. Kirishima had a special fighting move that made the others fear him. What was it again?

Oh right! His head bumps! It was almost as if he somehow hardened his head, before hitting the other person and always knocking them out with it. Sometimes he even broke their noses with the attack.

This was what caused the emotionless girl to recognise the move that he was about to pull. The red eyed boy quickly pulled his head down before bringing it back upwards and smashing it against the girls.

"Arghhh!" Y/n screamed, pulling her head backwards.


Both Kirishima and Kaminari sprinted towards the girl, who was sat on the floor holding her nose.

Her body started shaking as she started to cry, causing both boys to panic and hug her.

Suddenly she brought her head upwards only to show that she was laughing! Both Kirishima and Kaminari looked at each other in confusion.

"I thought you said that it wasn't going to touch me! I've been doing all them things to make sure that I don't flinch and get the tears on time. But then you actually head-butt me!" She laughed, causing Kaminari to giggle and start laughing with her.

"Ah I'm sorry Y/n!" Kirishima shouted, "after filming you're coming with me to get a milkshake as an apology!" He lowered head, hiding the blush that spread throughout his cheeks at the thought of them two alone.

"FREE MILKSHAKES FOR EVERYONE AFTER FILMING, KIRISHIMA'S PAYING!!" Kaminari yelled, smiling widely at everyone's cheers.

Kirishima opened his to tell him that, actually it was only him and Y/n going there, but when he saw her cheering along with everyone, he sighed and let it go.

After a sudden realisation, he jumped upwards, with an almost panicked expression on his face.

"I CAN'T PAY FOR EVERYONE SO I'LL BE GOING HALF WITH KAMINARI!!" He shouted, causing everyone to cheer again.

Kaminari was cheering as well! Until he actually processed what Kirishima had actually said.



I've seen a few other people do bloopers so I thought it would be fun to do as I haven't currently got any ideas for this book :(

I might do another one of these later on if you'd like?

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