Chapter 8 - How They Met

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The next day came quicker than expected for many people, most of them being the classmates in 1a. They were glad that none of the upperclassmen were in today, but they couldn't help but feel like something was going to go wrong.

The blank faced girl walked down the corridors once again, kinda relieved that the whispers from yesterday had died down.

She entered the classroom, almost smiling at how at ease everyone seemed to be. Before sitting down next to Iida once again.

As the class chattered a bit more, you could guess how surprised Y/n was when everyone suddenly fell silent. The only sound being the taps of multiple pairs of feet entering the classroom.

Swinging round to see who these people were, her face showed the slightest bit of surprise before covering it again. The people who had entered were the people she had wanted to see least.

The Big Three.

One smiling, another blank and the last one angry. Y/n could tell who they were because of Iida's descriptions.

Her eyes fell onto a pair of ruby red eyes, the owner glaring before realising who she was and scoffing.


Katsuki Bakugou wasn't stupid.

He knew that he had sent Kirishima and Kaminari to 'tame' this new girl. He knew that when they didn't make an appearance the next day, the new girl had something to do with it.

Meeting up with his two friends, he nodded slightly to them before setting off down the corridor towards the class that he nearly never attended.

Bakugou loved fear. He loved the look in peoples eyes whenever he passed, the small gasps when people realised who he was, the squeaks that people made whenever he growled at them. He lived for it.

Being a man of no fears, Bakugou loved to watch the reactions of others. Being very intrigued the first time he met someone who didn't cower at the sight of him.

Izuku Midoriya.

He made it his goal to try and terrorise Midoriya before he finished school, but to his dismay, it didn't work out so good.

So instead he teamed up with him. An unlikely pair, I know.

And although Deku could be really annoying with how positive he was sometimes, Bakugou became really interested when he saw Deku lose his temper. Quite literally lose it.

Seeing his positive friend suddenly emotionless sent shivers down Katsuki's spine. So he couldn't help but think that he was glad it wasn't him.

Once again, Bakugou had something else that he found interesting about Deku. He was the first person to make him feel fear. Even if it wasn't that much.

The second person who didn't shake at the sight of Bakugou was none other than Shoto Todoroki.

His interesting appearance and personality alone was enough to stop Bakugou in his tracks. Let alone the fact that Todoroki wasn't scared of him one bit.

Seemingly showing no emotions, Bakugou decided that he would try and make Todoroki feel scared of him too. This time it angered him when it didn't work.

Just how many people were not going to be scared of him?

He loathed the permanent look Todoroki always had on his face, ignoring Bakugou at the worst of times!

It was the last straw when Todoroki decided that he suddenly liked Bakugou's 'friend' but not him! However, to his dismay, Todoroki was pretty strong. So he pushed the negative feelings down and ordered Deku to become allies with Todoroki.

So, even though two of them hated each other, The Big Three was formed.

Actually the name was already taken so 'Deku, Todoroki and Bakugou' had to do for now. Or as some called them, 'The Unlikely Trio'.

Bakugou couldn't help but feel frustrated whenever Todoroki entered the room. Even though they were working together, Bakugou couldn't find anything to like about him!

His respect for Todoroki went up immensely once he saw him actually show emotions.


With a proud smirk, Bakugou mentally welcomed Todoroki to the team. Although he would never admit it out loud.

So Bakugou, Todoroki and Midoriya became well known because of their dangerous abilities, people would cower at the sight of them, pleasing Bakugou greatly.

But then another person came into his life.

Eijiro Kirishima.

The black haired guy seemed determined to make Bakugou his friend, not even bothering about the other two. Any attempts he made were simply put off with a growl but Kirishima wouldn't give up! He simply laughed off Bakugou's threats, not noticing the danger in them.

Bakugou couldn't believe how stupid Kirishima was. It was brave, but also foolish.

He knew that without a close relationship with the other two, Kirishima couldn't officially become part of the Big Three, but nevertheless, Bakugou gave him a chance to become his friend.

Eventually more and more people joined, each one, providing Bakugou help in his way to become the leader of the school and have reign over everyone outside of the (unofficial) Big Three.

Bakugou knew that there was a pattern. Everyone who wasn't scared of Bakugou seemed strong (except Deku) and had something else that people had to fear.

For example, Deku and his temper, Kirishima and his head bumps, that girl who came earlier and her acids.

All of them had something for people to fear and were naturally big and strong (except for Kaminari).

That's why, Bakugou knew that this new girl was suspicious.

Until he laid his eyes on her.

How the fuck did a small, scrawny, weak looking girl like her manage to beat up not one, not two but three of his men?!

Uncontrollable anger filled him, she must have hired some other people to do it for her! To lure him out of his territory so someone else could take over!

Then she turned around to take a look at who had entered.

All of Bakugou's theories were proven wrong by the look in her eyes. Or rather the nothingness that swirled around in those e/c eyes of hers.

He had no doubt about it, this new girl was just like Todoroki. And Bakugou didn't like it one bit.

Oh, and he could tell that it was her who beat Kaminari and Kirishima up, he wasn't so sure about Monoma though.

Scoffing and turning away from her, Bakugou hid his true emotions quite well. Before he pulled Deku and Todoroki to the side to tell them all about this new girl.

She really was intriguing.

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