Chapter 7 - Bargaining

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"Why?" A voice echoed.

"We could be great again. All we need is you. Don't you want to be apart of the Big Three again? Or the Grand Big Three as they are calling us nowadays." The voice continued.


"You know that I'm not apart of whatever this is anymore." Another voice.

"You were the ones who cast me out. You were the ones that suffered. You know that I don't like violence as much as you do anymore, that's why you cast me out. Because I didn't want to fight.

What makes you think that I will come back?

And why now? Of all times? You could have tried ages ago. I would have probably returned then as well! But no, you only need me now because you're thinking of challenging them again aren't you?"

A small crash was heard as one figure pushed the other into the wall. An arm pressed against the others neck threateningly.

"Why did you have to do this?" A feminine voice.

"We- no I have been waiting so long for you to return to me Tamaki." The new voice continued.

"You know that I don't like- ghh" Tamaki was stopped by the arm pressing onto his threat harder, almost choking him.

Tamaki looked into the once lively blue eyes of his former friend, the same one who was choking him.

"Togata, stop it." He choked out. Gasping for air once the pressure lightened.

"Why did you call me that Tamaki?" The blond asked, glaring at the blue haired boy who shied away from his eyes.

Tamaki refused to answer him, flinching the slightest when Mirio smashed his hand against the wall, dangerously close to his head.

"Come on Tamaki, we need and want you back, together we'll grow stronger again and finally take them down for good! We promise that we will never cast you out again!" His ex-partner bargained.

"Stop it Hado, you know I'm not going to believe you. I'm done with hanging around you two. Go get someone else to help you."

Mirio growled, raising his hand once again.

"Stop it Mirio, lets go. He obviously doesn't want to listen to us right now. We'll be back and you better have the correct answer next time.

And you know that the correct answer is the one we want to hear." Nejire threatened.

"There is no correct answer! I'll always stick by what I said today." Tamaki shouted back, this was the angriest he had ever been since...


"You mean Mina Ashido? She's friends with The Big Three. Mainly with Kirishima. I don't think she actually talks to the others that much.

Why? what do you want to know?" Iida asked back.

"She's different. I can't figure her out. It's annoying me greatly. Although with what you've just told me, I can probably figure her out from that."

Iida furrowed his (magnificent- wait Erwin get back to your own anime) eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" He asked her.

"Well before I couldn't figure out why she was looking so irritated when everyone else was so happy. But I get it now, she's friends with the people who 'take over' the class am I right? She's used to them always listening to what she and her friends say but now not only are they not here, people aren't listening to her.

She sounds like a spoiled brat who is used to getting her own way all of the time to me." (Aahh I'm so sorry Mina!!)


<Mina Ashido>
-part of class 1a.
-one of the 'higher class' students.
-currently going out with Eijiro Kirishima.
-kinda friends with Big Three as she can be pretty good when fighting. (She uses acids when specifically targeting people). (Where are the police and teachers in this??)
-more info to come (hopefully).


"That was pretty cool of you to do that man." A voice said, startling Tamaki out of his thoughts.

"What are you looking so upset for? It's over for now isn't it?" Yet another voice said tiredly.

Tamaki calmed down once he recognised them. Nodding towards them both he apologised. "Sorry you had to see that."

Two figures stepped out of the shadows, one having spiked downwards black hair, matching black eyes and scarily positive grin on his face.

The other having fluffed upwards purple hair, lilac eyes and big bags under his eyes.

"It's fine. But are they really thinking of challenging them again?" The black eyed boy asked curiously.

All Tamaki could do was shrug. "It sounds like it. There's no other possible reason as for why they would suddenly want to recruit me back. Someone must have mentioned them and then they finally snapped."

The two boys glanced at each other, unreadable looks on their faces. Tamaki noticed this and narrowed his eyes at them.

"What are you doing here anyways?" He questioned.

"Oh me and Shinsou here wanted to find out if you had figured out a plan yet." The black haired boy grinned, causing his friend to roll his eyes at him.

"Sero I think he was too busy being threatened by his former friends to think of a plan." The tired boy said dryly. "Anyways I've been thinking in lesson. If you want to hear it?"

"Sure! Go on Shinsou! I'm sure your plan is really good!" Sero encouraged, giving a look towards Tamaki who sighed and told him to say his plan as well.

"We will have to do it tomorrow as it's obviously too late now. We're going to have to be extra careful as well though. If Kirishima and Kaminari aren't in tomorrow then them bastards are going to come investigating."

Sero nodded for him to continue.

"Tamaki is probably going to be pretty important for this plan, so..."


"You can't just say that L/n!" Iida nearly yelled, throwing his hands over his mouth and nervously looking around.

The girl merely brought some more food to her mouth shrugging. "I don't really care about anyone hearing, my opinion on her is going to stay the same unless she proves to me otherwise."


Four girls at the table next to them looked at each other worriedly. "We don't have to tell her or Them do we?" A familiar brown haired girl squeaked out.

"No she wasn't insulting Them was she? We have no reason to go running to Them." The familiar green haired girl.

"I really don't want to go to Them. Please don't make me go to Them!" The tall black haired girl pleaded.

"It's fine Yaomomo, you don't have to, neither do you Ochaco." The purple haired girl reasoned.

That seemed to calm them both down. Relieved that they didn't have to report anything, the girls continued eating, although it was much quieter than before.

Soon enough it was time for lessons again.

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