Chapter 6 - Building Up

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Once again it was a new day for Y/n, walking down the corridor, she couldn't help but notice that people were whispering more than they usually did.

She watched as two girls, one with short brown hair and the other with green, took a sneaky glimpse of her. Only to find that she was staring straight back at them and nervously turning back around.

Although a bit confused, the blank faced girl just kept walking. Ignoring the unusual people in her school.

As she entered the classroom, everyone went silent. Before the whispers reappeared just as quick as they had vanished.

'Normally they wouldn't dare whisper. Something must be really interesting for them to risk it.'

Her calculating eyes swept across the classroom, noticing that three people were not present. Monoma was still not in but it was to be expected because of how badly he was beaten up.

'Kirishima and Kaminari aren't in either' she realised, her lips rising up the slightest. 'I did good yesterday.' She concluded proudly.

Taking her seat next to Iida, she sent a small smile towards him, watching in amusement at his reaction. The h/c haired girl really was in a good mood today.

And so, the day continued on. With no one to threaten them, the people in class were finally at ease. Except for a pink haired, yellow eyed girl who seemed to be very irritated but couldn't really do anything about it.

As soon as she could, she sped down the corridors to the same room that The Big Three resided in.

Knocking on the door, she waited for the gruff "come in" before opening the door and thinking about what she would say.

The slight smile that was on Bakugou's face immediately vanished as he saw who had entered. It was not the two people he had been waiting for.

"What the hell do you want?" He growled out, catching the other two's attention. The green haired boy examining the rare visitor.

"Kirishima and Kaminari came to visit you yesterday, am I correct?" The girl asked, feigning confidence.

"Yeah! So what-" the blond haired boy threatened before being interrupted.

"Listen to the damn girl speak." The multi-coloured boy said, not even caring that he had angered Bakugou.

Red eyes seemed to catch alight with anger. Jumping up from where he was sitting, hands raised outwards in fists, Bakugou had to be pulled back by Deku before a fight occurred between the three of them.

"Sit down. Katsuki." The green eyed boy warned. Slightly scaring the others, although Bakugou didn't want to admit it.

"Tch, what did I tell you about calling me by my first name." He mumbled, sitting down again angrily and catching sight of the person who had 'started' it.

"So what do you want Ashido? It better not be a waste of my time." He questioned grumpily.

The pink haired girl had watched the argument wide eyed in interest. Quite different from what a normal person would.

"Well, I know you sent Eijiro and Kaminari after the new girl yesterday. However they aren't in today, but she is. Seemingly unaffected.

I've been hearing some rumours going around that she had something to do with them not being in. Oh! And Monoma also isn't in again either. That was also part of the rumours." The yellow eyed girl finished.

Taking deep breaths in order to try and control his anger, Bakugou slowly raised his head up to check if the girl was lying or not.

"I... I see."

Biting the insides of his cheeks seemed to help a bit, drawing blood was the only way to help him calm down. Whether that be his or someone else's.

"Get out." He ordered, turning away from the girl, his mouth now full of the metallic taste of blood.

The girl nodded towards them and silently walked back out, and back towards the classroom.

"So do you now agree that she could be interesting?" Midoriya asked, taking a sneak peak at his friends. One of them simply nodding while the other seemed to stop himself from shouting.

"Tomorrow... tomorrow we will go to class and examine this new girl. If she is deemed worthy then we will recruit her. What do you say?" Todoroki suggested quietly. He seemed to have a lot on his mind.

"I agree with him! I can take some notes. No one except for Bakugou had ever taken down Kirishima and Kaminari. Along with Monoma!" Deku yelled excitedly.

"Shut up. We don't even know if she did beat them up. She could have had someone help her for all we know. Hell, we don't even know if they have been beaten up!" Bakugou barked back, slightly dampening the green haired guys feelings.

"It's still worth a chance." The emotionless boy concluded, seeing one friend smile cheerfully, while the other sighed and reluctantly agreed.

"Those losers must be thinking that they are safe because them three idiots aren't in! I'll prove them wrong and remind them who's boss around here." The blond grinned, seemingly both angry and excited at the thought.


Bonus file: The Big Three
-they don't always get on, Todoroki and Bakugou especially. Midoriya is the peace maker most of the time because he's the one who usually calms them both down.


Now back to her normal mood, Y/n couldn't help but notice how happy the others were in the class, was speaking out of term so bad?

Noticing the pink haired girl walk back into the classroom just before the teacher did, Y/n started wondering.

'Why does she seem angry at all this?'

'Was she part of the so called Big Three?'

She brought her head back towards the lesson and waited for lunch to arrive.


Soon enough it was time for lunch, and Y/n was relieved that today was going... well normally. Calmly sitting down with Iida, she made quiet conversation with him, only joining in if it interested her.

Her mind thought back to the pink haired girl from before.

'Who is she?'

'Why did she look so mad?'

'What's her problem?'

'What's Iida talking about again?'

'Why is this food always so suspiciously delicious?'

Shaking her head slightly, she brought more of the food to her mouth before pausing, she really wanted to know who that girl was.

Clearing her throat caused Iida to immediately go silent, she hadn't talked much so why stop her from doing it now?

"You know the pink haired girl in our class?" She began, still trying to figure her out.

"Who is she?"


"Why?" A voice echoed.

"We could be great again. All we need is you. Don't you want to be apart of the Big Three again? Or the Grand Big Three as they are calling us nowadays." The voice continued.

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