team red winter spider

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So, what if team red were like brothers to the point aunt may acts as the guardian of all three of them (de-aged Matt and Wade). And what if Peter and Bucky got into a relationship, but only team red know. And Bucky's the only one that knows about team red. Not even Ned and MJ know about team red. May knows cause she raised them obviously. What if Ned and MJ find out when they come to hang out and see two kids from school that they barely know sitting on the couch. All three of them hung over, sporting brand new tattoos. Then after that you have the cliche feildtrip, and that's how the avengers (minius Bucky obvi) find out about team red. It's also how Ned and MJ find out about Peter and Bucky. Then you have Ned, MJ, and team red spend the night at the tower, and then play a drinking game with the avengers (never have I ever or truth or dare). That's when the avengers learn first about the tattoos, then about Peter and Bucky. Then the next day at school, a hungover team red (with a makeover to match the pick up top) join the not hungover Ned and MJ in front of Peter's locker setting the school aflame with gossip. And before all of that, write the avengers meeting Peter, then learning he's spiderman, then him and Bucky getting together, then Bucky learning about team red. And team red knowing everything,  because there team red. Matt and Wade meet Bucky for the first time on the feildtrip. Let's have sparks fly when Ned and Harley meet, only it because Wade ships it and made actual sparks (he also ships MJ and Shuri). And team red is crazy multilingual, and a band. Like, they've known each other for as long as they can remember, and anytime they would get bored, they would collectively learn a language, spar, or learn a knew song. And any chance they get, there attached at the hip. So like they're bored together alot. Though as they got older they started to do more stupid shit, hence the hangovers.

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