Taking deep breaths to calm herself down, Sydney spoke in a cold, dangerous voice. "Leave. Get the hell out. I'll contact you if I require your assistance again. Here," She snapped, throwing a white manila in his direction, the contents spilling onto the desk. "Take the money and get out!"

Alan scampered up, ready to leave, his shaking fingers putting the wad of cash back in the envelope, when Sydney enunciated her next words. "Make sure to remember one thing, Mr. Roy, if anyone comes to know of our arrangement, I know which country club your wife frequents to. I'm sure you wouldn't want to read her obituary in the Sunday paper, now, would you?"

The threat running clear in his mind, Alan scurried off, hoping to never ever be summoned by this blonde-haired Cruella de Vil again.

The moment she was alone, Sydney screamed her lungs off. This always helped her control her temper. Though, today, it was of no use. She couldn't believe her eyes. Numerous pictures were scattered in front of her. Pictures of Christopher Grey and Emilia Kingston together on various occasions.. Them leaving restaurants.. Entering Emilia's apartment building.. All these sorts. In the reports however, Sydney found a very interesting fact. There in black was written, 'Emilia Kingston and Christopher Grey were said to be in a passionate embrace the night of Alexander Knight's party. However, the security team present there had destroyed all the cameras that had captured them together.'

"That slutty bitch," Sydney sneered to herself, "not even two months after her engagement was called off and she's already frolicking around with this hunk."

Staring at a photo of Christopher and Emilia looking into each other's eyes, Sydney's anger returned tenfold.

"The moment I kill you, my dear pathetic sister, Christopher Grey and Kingston & Co. will be mine."

That being said, Sydney knew just how to use these photographs and information to her advantage.

With an evil smirk on her face, she gathered the reports and her belongings, and strutted out towards her Mercedes.

'It's time to bring you down, bitch.' Was her last thought before Sydney stepped on the gas, ready to put her plan into action.


Liam Parker did not want to get the front door, but the incessant knocking forced him to get up and let the visitor in.

It was after noon, but the girl from last night had seriously tired him out. Though the sex was amazing, he remembered nothing about the girl. The only face he seemed to remember these days was that of Emilia. Fucking random girls every night while thinking about his ex-fiancée was the only way he knew to still be connected to her. So he did just that. He picked random girls up from bars and pubs and fucked them while imagining them to be Emilia. He made sure to pick only brunettes though; it was easier to picture them as Emilia. Blondes did not do it for him anymore as they reminded him of the night he made the terrible mistake and messed up the best thing in his life.

"Geez. Hold your horses. I'm coming." He shouted out, pulling on his boxers and opening the door.

There, in all her sexy glory, stood the woman he was hell bent on never associating himself with again.

Eyes twitching in irritation and anger, Liam was about to slam the door on her face, but what she said next, stopped him.

"There's something that you should know. It's about Emilia."

Ignoring the sly smirk on her face, Liam ran a hand through his hair and queried, "What is it?"

"May, I come... in, Liam?" Sydney purred.

Undone By His Touch *On Hold & Undergoing Major Editing*Where stories live. Discover now