chapter 35🐺

Depuis le début

"She is a stripper and you never said anything? I thought she was a waitress or something else." He brushed his hands through his hair. "You need to stop keeping secrets. Especially those that might affect our friendship." With that, he walked into the crowd.

It was not my duty to tell Chris about Graces stripping job, especially since he was somehow interested in her. It would be uncalled for to tell such important tale without her permission.

Breaking the spell that held my legs frozen, I followed him through the crowd with my eyes still on her as she turned around the pole.

Standing beside Chris and her audience who threw Naira notes on the stage, I tucked my hands in my pocket.

Seeing her perform again had me risen and brought about thoughts that I immediately thought push aside. I was supposed to be mad and not intrigued. But somehow, it was impossible, especially when she spin's the pole like it was nothing.

Just then, she dropped from the pole and danced to the crowd, meeting my stares that were glued to her.



Anyone close could tell I was trembling and how I finished my performance without tripping on my heels was a miracle deserving thanksgiving.

With Monica beside me, I  walked out of the dressing room changed into my black dress. The look he had on while I was dancing was enough to kill and we were like kids ready to serve punishment for a crazy offence.

"He looked really mad," I said, holding to my bag.

"I know," she replied as we walked closer to the bar where Chris and Kunle sat.

"We are going home," He said the moment we got to them.

He held on to my wrist and I obediently followed feeling guilty after seeing ten missed call on my phone.

The moment we got to the parking lot, I pulled my hands off his grip. "You are hurting me Kunle," I said, rubbing my wrist.

"What do you think you are doing?" He inquired, his voice dangerously low it had me shivering. "You are not supposed to leave the house."

"I was bored, I needed to leave that house or die of boredom."

"You were bored? why didn't you talk to Cassandra or Natalie? Or rather call me?"

"Cassandra? Trust me, she is the last person I will talk to," I replied, hating the fact he brought her into our conversation.

"So You decided to come to the club, placing your life in danger?" He paused locking eyes with me for seconds. "You know what? Just get into the car."

"What about Monica?"

"I will take her home." I turned to see Chris and Monica standing few meters, probably enjoying our drama or wishing to never be in my position.

Knowing how dangerous it will be to ride in front, I got into the back, took out my phone and started a text chat with Monica.


"I'm sorry," I repeated for the tenth time and like before he said nothing but rather walked past me into the sitting room.

The ride back home was a quiet one and I would have preferred being yelled at then the silent treatment he gave. I rushed into the building and watched him took the stairs without turning.

"What did you do sweetie?" I veered around only to be met by the smirk of the she-devil.

"Mind your business."

She smiled. "Just keep fucking up, he will be mine within two weeks. Trust me."

She turned back to the television and increased its volume. Without being told I knew what she wanted, I knew her type and I wasn't ready to bend low to her level.

Therefore, I only hissed and climbed the stair while praying I gained forgiveness from Kunle.


I strolled into the gym, moved straight to the large mirror hung before the stationary bicycle and exhaled from the sight of my reflection that seemed pale.

It's been two days since the club incident and the effect made by Kunle in avoiding any contact with me has been effective. He left earlier than usual and returned in more ghostly hours.

"Sweetheart." I turned immediately, only to sight Cassandra walking towards me in her workout gear of black tight and half-cut.

"You don't have to avoid me," she said, but I did just that by plugging in my earpiece and walking past her.

But she drew me back with her hands on my wrist, causing my phone to drop.

"You know I'm the last person you want to try, so leave my hand."

Ignoring my threat, she smiled, placed her hands around my neck in an attempt to choke me. But her movement was weakened as she got a slap that resounded around the room.

"Let's see what Kunle will think of you after seeing this shall we?" She said after seconds of massaging her cheeks.

I didn't give a fuck about what he said, she crossed a line and we both knew this.

Narrowing my eyes, I watched her cat walked out of the gym before picking my phone.


Authors note.

Hey guys...I hope you've been enjoying this book. Sorry about the late update😓. Always remember to vote, drop a comment and check out my other project♥♥

🤣🤣 now imagine me dancing...I feel extra-ordinary happy. In fact, I feel like buying coke for all my readers (at 5:00 am lol)... Since I can't locate all your houses. Here is a heart from me to you'll♥🤭.

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