I Love You Sunbaenim! (KookHyun) Pt 2

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♡️Jungkook x Taehyun♡️

"Well... it's kinda weird... because... the person I like..." Taehyun trailed off, making Jungkook look at him with wide eyes as he anxiously waited for the name of the person to come out.

"... isn't a girl."

Jungkook's eyes weren't the only thing wide open when Taehyun confessed about that, his mouth did the same thing. Taehyun fidgeted with his fingers as he continued.

"He's someone very dear to me. Someone who has helped me a lot, somone who was there when I felt down, someone very handsome, kind, bubbly, sweet, talented, strong and popular. Someone I don't think I deserve. He's been confessed to, many times, really, but he turned down every single confession with the reason that he likes someone already."

Jungkook started to see where this was going. "Taehyunnie."

"I just, feel happy but sad at the same time whenever I see him turn down a girl's confession. I had a feeling that maybe the person he likes is me but what if I was wrong?"


"It can't be me, can it? Like I totally don't deserve a perfect someone like him. But yet my fantasies and dreams kept me going and made me hold my dreams up high. Like I get this war and fuzzy feeling when he hugs me, smiles at me, touches me or holds my hands. I felt like he was my boyfriend but well maybe he didn't feel the same way I feel-"

"Kang Taehyun!"

Taehyun stopped blabbering and looked at Jungkook. There was genuine worry and concern on his face. Why did he look so worried? Why does his cheeks feel wet? Why does his eyes hurt? Why did this confession that was planned perfectly in his head suddenly go south?

"Geez, I didn't know you would start crying while confessing to me. You had me worried there!" Jungkook used the ends of his sleeves to wipe Taehyun's tears away. Taehyun couldn't help it, he quickly wrapped his arms around the captain's manly figure and confessed.

"I love you sunbaenim." He sniffled.

Jungkook was petrified with the sudden love confession but as soon as he processed it, he smiled to himself. He returned the hug and started to respond to Taehyun's love confession.

"I love you too. I've loved you ever since I met you."

Taehyun felt so warm and happy when Jungkook said that to him. He hugged him tighter and breathed in Jungkook's scent. He smelled like the ocean.

"You know, when I rejected the girls, I thought to myself, 'I'll confess to him later' but when I see you, I just lost my confidence. He even seemed straight too so I was afraid that you would reject me with the reason being that you're straight and then you'd feel disgusted about me. I didn't know that he would actually confess to me first. I'm such a coward." Jungkook confessed with a calm and soothing voice, making Taehyun feel better.

"I told almost everyone in the team except for you and they wished me luck. Well, Taehyung and Jimin actually, wished me to grow a pair of balls and ask you out but oh well." Jungkook joked, making Taehyun laugh. "They even placed bets on whether I'll go out with you before I graduate or not. In which, Jimin, Jackson, Eunwoo and Mingyu owe the others 10 bucks each. Of course I'll be getting the money too and when I do, I'm using them for our first date."

Jungkook's last sentence made Taehyun blush. He thought about all if Jungkook's honest words and suddenly realized something.


Taehyun broke the hug and frowned at Jungkook.

"You thought I was straight?"

"Ah... well... a-about that... You were blushing around all your girl classmates. They were so friendly with you, too friendly! I was super jealous you know?" Jungkook pouted, making Taehyun stifle a laugh. Then the two came to an awkward silence. Jungkook bit his lower lip. He raised his right hand and Taehyun's left cheek. He moved his thumb, gently rubbing it on Taehyun's soft skin.

"May I?" He asked. Taehyun's cheeks went red. He looked at the floor and gulped. He looked back up to Jungkook's beautiful brown eyes and nodded. Jungkook leaned in for their first kiss as boyfriends, making the two feel their heart beating faster than ever before.

"See? I told you Tae!"

"Shut up Jimin! Sheesh!"

"Hey Jackson pay up."

"Namjoon come on! I'm your boyfriend! I don't have to pay you anything!"

"Lol they're kissing so what?"

"Mingyu don't act dumb, we all hard their whole conversation."

"Okay damn!"

"YAH!! I TOLD YOU ALL TO GO HOME YOU PERVERTED DICKS!!" Jungkook yelled, scaring them away. Taehyun giggled at the situation and looked at Jungkook. He was blushing, probably embarrassed with the fact that the whole team heard their conversation. He pecked on Jungkook's cheeks before standing up and finish the cleaning.

"Come on. If you don't hurry, you don't get to walk me home." Taehyun teased as usual, holding out his hands to the blushing Jungkook. Jungkook averted his gaze from Taehyun's smug face and grabbed his hands. Taehyun pulled him up and giggled. He stood on his tippy toes and pecked Jungkook's lips, leaving him dumbfounded all of a sudden.

"I love you, Jungkook."

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