Crybaby (YoonMin)

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This story contains bullying and rape. If you are not comfortable with these subjects, you are advised to skip this story.

"Ah shit, he's crying again." Yoongi cursed, making his group of friends turn to face the person he's had his eyes on. There, walking down the empty hallway, was Jimin, the cry baby of the school. Everyone knows the name of Park "crybaby" Jimin. He's the only person that cries as a defence against even the smallest matters. He never yelled when he's angry, never once lashed out anger. He just cried.

And Yoongi hated that.

Min Yoongi isn't a bully. At least, he wasn't. He's more of a prankster that goes around school with his group - Chanyeol, Namjoon, Jooheon and Woozi - teasing and pranking students with harmless jokes and pranks. They would even apologize for the pranks the day after. Apart from that, they're nice and they are very helpful at times. But Yoongi especially hated Jimin. He thinks that Jimin cries to get attention and to get away with everything. And it was because of Jimin, the group got sent to the principal's office for the first time ever and got suspended for a week. That incident, turned them into a bully.

"I bet he's crying because he came late again. Crying makes him look so pitiful and of course the reacher let him off with just a minor warning." Woozi taunted as Jimin walked past. They all then continues to follow Jimin, all spitting out dirty words about Jimin.

"I wonder if he would still use crying as defence if he's in actual trouble." Jooheon asked.

"Like what? Help me, help me, someone stole my pencil, boo-hoo!" Namjoon teased.

"Help me, help me, someone's trying to kidnap me!" Chanyeol mimicked. Jimin's eyelashes got heavier with tears as they kept making fun of him - no - bullying, him. He really wished he hadn't been late. Now they're gonna bully him easily with no teachers or students around to see their dirty work.

"Yah. Crybaby." Yoongi was in front of Jimin, making the poor boy tremble. "Let's say if I stole your pencil, would you cry?" Yoongi asked.

He may have only asked, but it was a "you answer what I wanna hear" question. If he answers that he would cry, they'd beat him him up after. And so, to go home safely without wounds, he shook his head.

"Good. Now what if Namjoon took your bag? You're not gonna cry are you?" Jimin could feel Namjoon's large hands on his bag and he could hear snickers from the others. He bit his lip and shook his head again. Yoongi looked at Namjoon and nodded, signalling him to take away Jimin's bag. With one big yank, Jimin was set apart from his bag. Jimin felt like crying but he held it in. But a few tears managed to escape.

"Awh... crybaby's crying... boo..." Woozi teased. The others laughed about until Yoongi stopped them. Seeing the blank expression on Yoongi's face, sent chills down Jimin's spine. He knew, that shits are about go down.

"Let's say, I plan to kidnap you this afternoon after school. Would you tell anybody that I would? Crying like the fucking crybaby you are?" Yoongi taunted. Jimin had his head held down, gaze focused on the floor and tears streaming down his puffy cheeks. Jimin slowly shook his head.

Yoongi smirked.

He crouched down as he signalled his friends. The others nodded and just waited for their leader's next signal. Jimin saw that but he didn't know what it meant. Whatever it is, it's bad. It's very very bad. Being in a situation like this. It's awful. It scared him. But he needed to show these bullies that he's not a cry baby. Why? Fuck, he doesn't know and doesn't care.

With a slow and raspy voice, Yoongi tilted his head up to stare straight into Jimin's eyes and asked: "Would you cry for help, Park Jimin...

..... if I decided to rape you?"

Jimin's eyes went wide as soon as he heard those words came out from the bully's mouth. He shot his head up to look for anyone but oh no. He could suddenly feel the hands of the others covering his mouth and grabbing his arms and legs, preventing him from doing anything. Yoongi stood up straight and jabbed his hands into the pocket of his jacket. Jimin's tears didn't stop as he looked into Yoongi's eyes.

"Respond to me, crybaby. Would you?"

Jimin didn't know what to do, should nod? Should he shake his head? What would happen if he nodded? Would they rape him? But then again if he shook his head, they might do the same. Jimin was stuck in between two choices that leads to the same consequences. He trembled and realized what was happening.

They had planned this all along.

They were gonna rape him either way.

This was payback.

"Answer me you fucking crybaby."

Crybaby. Jimin hated that word. Was it wrong for him to cry? Was it wrong for him to want help? Was it wrong for to want attention? Was it wrong that he told the truth?

"I'm not a crybaby..."

"What was that now?" Yoongi asked, placing his hands behind his ears, asking Jimin to say it again, louder. Namjoon removed his hands to let him speak.

"I-I.... I'm no-not a cry-cry-crybaby..." Jimin said in between hiccups and tears. "I-I... I won't te-tell anyone-one... at all..."

Yoongi smirked and looked at his group of friends. Yoongi licked his lips and inched closer towards Jimin. He gently placed his hands on Jimin cheeks and used his thumbs to wipe away his tears. He kissed Jimin's eyes, licking the tears before moving on to licking his nose.

"Sweet. Then I guess you don't mind us having fun with you."

"Wait-!" Namjoon covered his mouth and the group took him somewhere private behind school. No one could be there at that hour. No one could save Jimin. That very day, Jimin had been used, played with. He became a toy for the bullies to play with.

They made him cry.

"Thanks for being such a good boy and not be a crybaby, Jimin. Maybe next time we see you, we'd be much... much... nicer..." Yoongi kissed Jimin roughly, biting his lower lip hard.

Jimin yelped and cried as he looked at the group leaving the deserted place. Leaving hom there alone and naked. Jimin picked up his clothes and tried to cover his private parts. He used his hands and arms to cover his bare chest. He curled up into a ball and cried away. He had been violated, had been sexually assaulted. Yet he remained to stay silent.


"Because I'm... such a crybaby... Why am I so stupid...? Why am I so weak...?"

Jimin was a crybaby. And everyone remembered him that way.

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