10 • Hold Me Please

Start from the beginning

When we reached, Vinay pulled out some cash from his wallet and handed it over to the cab driver.

"Keep the change." He said, when the driver started counting the money.

He quickly stepped out of the cab and stormed into the apartment.
I frowned as I watched his retreating figure.

Gosh! His mood swings were worse than a girl on her period.
I shrugged.

"Thank you uncle." I called out, as I clambered out of the car.

When I entered the flat, the lights were all off and Vinay's door was shut. Shaking my head, I padded to my room to change my clothes and clean up.

After taking a shower, I slipped into a loose t-shirt and a pair of pajama shorts, before heading to the kitchen to get a bottle of chilled water from the refrigerator.

I almost jumped back in surprise when I saw Vinay leaning on the kitchen counter in the dark, supporting his weight on his hands.

"Why did you come out of the club to help me, Akira?" Vinay asked quietly, staring down at the granite counter top.

I sighed. "I don't know that myself." I answered truthfully.

He remained silent for some time.

"Is it because you think I'm some grossly misunderstood delinquent who needs help?" he whispered, shifting his gaze to meet mine.

Despite how tired he was and the dark circles lining his eyes, Vinay looked mouth wateringly hot. The moonlight accentuated the sharp angles of his face making his face look serene.

I stared at him, not saying a word as he searched my eyes.

"Okay. You don't need to say anything." He said at last, "I'm going to go to bed then."

He swerved quickly, causing him to bump headfirst into the refrigerator.

"Fucking fridge!" Vinay cursed under his breath, holding his head.

SHIT! I almost forgot how much that idiot had had to drink tonight.
I ran forward to steady him.

"Look where you're going, Vinay!" I mocked the way he had said the same words to me before I'd left for the party.

He groaned in annoyance.

"I helped you tonight because I thought you needed someone to be there for you. I know that that's what I would have wanted." I said leading him into his room towards his bed, "Just because of that macho façade you've put up does not mean you're not hurting on the inside. Learn to trust people. It'll take you a long way."

"Besides," I continued preaching, "Sleeping in my own bed honestly sounds far more appealing than a hard wooden cot in a tiny jail cell."

"No one would understand what I feel. No one would want to understand." Vinay mumbled.

"That's bullshit. You haven't even tried." I reprimanded.

Vinay nodded as he sat down on the edge of his bed, his eyes boring into mine.

I offered him a small smile, feeling overwhelmed by the vulnerability that his eyes held in that moment.

"Good night." I whispered, stepping backwards.

"Akira, wait." Vinay said suddenly.

He wrapped his fingers around my wrist and pulled me towards him so that I was standing between his legs as he hugged me.

Vinay buried his face into my stomach, fingers digging into my back as he clung onto me.

"Vinay, what are..." I stuttered, trying to push him away by his shoulders.

"Shhh.."he cut me off, his voice sounding broken, "Please, just hold me for now."

I sighed deeply, awkwardly running my hands up and down his back to reassure him as I stood ramrod still.

It felt rather weird to be touching him.

"Will you please sleep here today?" Vinay asked against my stomach.

He looked up at my face, his hands still clasped behind my back.

"Vinay, I can't possibly sleep here," I started, the reluctance evident in my tone, "It's not appropriate. Plus there's no space for both of us."

"Please?" he cut me off, pleading with his eyes.

I closed my eyes and exhaled.

"Ok, move over." I sighed.

Vinay smiled cheekily like a little kid who'd just got the lollipop he'd been begging his mother for, shifting to make place for me to lie down.

I stared at the bare ceiling wordlessly as he reached over and placed his fingers with mine before closing his eyes.

Shutting my eyes tight, I tried desperately to close off my brain too, that had gone into overdrive.

I made an attempt to concentrate on my breath, the oldest calming technique in yoga, but the smell of alcohol and freshly washed sheets flooded my nose.

Just kill me already!!

Vinay's proximity and his warm fingers wound tightly around mine were hardly doing anything to ease my situation.

Sleep was literally the last thing on my mind.


That's all for today...
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