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Dean drives back into Burkittsville, his arm draped over the seat behind Roxanne's shoulders. He glances over at her, marveling at the way the sunlight streaming through the windshield makes her pale irises seem to glow. He catches himself making googly eyes over every little thing about her. And he always pushes the thought away, telling himself he's being ridiculous. That this is not a chick flick.

He pulls into the gas station, driving just past the blonde girl from Harley's shop. She smiles as the hunters get out of the Impala.

"You're back."

"Never left," Dean responds.

Roxanne smiles to herself. They only drove one town over. Close enough.

"Still looking for your friends?" Emily asks, glancing between Roxanne and Dean.

Dean nods, glancing at her nametag. "You mind fillin' her up there, Emily?"

She simply smiles, grabbing the pump and getting to work. Dean leans against Baby, and Roxanne stands just behind him, trying to tune into her intuition.

"So, did you grow up here?" He asks.

"I came here when I was thirteen." Emily gets to her feet, then shrugs. "I lost my parents. Car accident... My aunt and uncle took me in."

"They're nice people."

She shakes her head, beaming. "Everybody's nice here."

Dean thinks of that town Roxanne talked about. Sure, they're real nice. Right up until they follow you around and do God knows what.

"So, what, it's the, uh... perfect little town?" He chuckles.

"Well, you know, it's the boonies. But I love it. I mean, the towns around us, people are losing their homes, their farms. But here... it's almost like we're blessed."

Dean glances over his shoulder, checking to make sure Roxanne is still there. She's been unusually quiet. But she just stands there, staring off into space. He figures he'll start bugging her once he finishes talking to Emily.

He turns back to Emily, biting his lip. "Hey, you been out to the orchard? Seen that- that scarecrow?"

"Yeah, it creeps me out," she frowns, crossing her arms.

He smiles. "Whose is it?"

"I don't know. It's just always been there."

Roxanne tugs on Dean's hand, and he turns to look at her, eyebrows raised. Her eyes seem unfocused, but her whispered words are clear.

"Red SUV."

He follows her gaze, turning to see the vehicle parked behind Emily.

"That your aunt and uncle's?" Roxanne asks, peeking around Dean's arm.

Emily glances over her shoulder, then turns back to the hunters. "Customer. Had some car troubles," she nods.

Dean frowns. "It's not a couple, is it? A guy and a girl?"

Emily hums, nodding again. After she finishes up, Dean hands her some cash, and she bids the two farewell.

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