͋ 14 ͋ Withdrawals (BWWM)

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"Dude. You gotta taste that. Oh, my freaking god. I thought I would lose my shit when I saw her. Those exotic almond-shaped creamy espresso eyes. Jet-black hair flowing down her back. That body. Guy, that girl is fucking hot. I never really paid attention to black girls before, but the one in the white dress with red flowers... man. She made me realize I have been missing out. Damn, she was fine." Tad was drooling as Ben watched how out of control his thoughts were as he shared his impression of Jolie.

After giving Tad a look that screamed he would chop his friend into little pieces if he didn't stop ranting, Ben walked away hoping the man would shut his big fat mouth.

It was his idea to analyze other men at the party to see their reaction to the delicate flower he so desperately wished to pluck, but it made him sick to his stomach to hear other men going on and on about her body. Even if the person was his best friend, he hated to listen to it.

"Dude. Before you go all Rambo and whatnot on me, I wasn't the only guy who was caught in the naughty little web you weaved for us. You already knew what would happen when we met your young friend. Man, those tits and that ass... Every red-blooded male and a few brawds stopped in their tracks whenever she walked by." His friend stated in his defense with his hands up in the air as if he was being accosted.

Once again, Tad earned a look that said he was on the verge of getting punched if he continued on about Jolie.

"Now, you see what I was trying to tell you. Having her or not having her isn't as simple as you'd think. She is unlike any young woman I've ever met. Most of the women I've encountered act like spoiled selfish children, but Jolie carries herself with more maturity than any of them. Every one of her positive qualities is the reason why I can't stop thinking about her. She isn't just some pretty face with a badass body, I tried to ignore her the same way I ignore the rest of them. But... Jolie is the real deal. I keep seeing her stretched out on my bed. At night, I hear her moaning in my dreams and it's causing my sanity to slip." Ben shared his concerns with his best friend.

They talked for hours and finally decided that Ben should stop allowing her to come to his house for the moment. It wouldn't do his career or reputation any good if legal troubles and scandals surrounded his name.

He realized it was best to take his friend's original advice and stay away from her... or at least that's what he told himself.

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Ring ring.

Who was visiting at this time of night? Ben accepted that lately, he didn't have any energy to do anything. Once his workday was over, he decided to go straight home. A light dinner and a movie were all he had planned for the evening. In truth, he was bored out of his fucking mind.

Ring ring.

There she was.

After two weeks of no contact, she was at his door ringing the doorbell. Ben watched her for a while. He knew he should allow her to leave and not interact with her at all. As he watched her from the tiniest sliver in the window, his resolve melted the moment he connected with the sadness in her eyes.

Ring ring.

Wait just a little bit longer and she'll go away. He repeated those words over and over again waiting for her to give up and leave.

When she finally dropped her head in disappointment and turned to walk away, Ben knew he wasn't ok.

Nothing he'd done so far armed him with enough strength to resist her. Ben felt in his bones just how much he needed her, and nothing would change that. No matter how he tried to repress it, the battle was lost as soon as his hand grazed the doorknob.

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