͋ 16 ͋ Between Friends (BWWM)

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"My birthday is tomorrow. I can't believe it's finally here." Jolie exclaimed to Darcy.

They walked the short distance to Tish's house only to find that she wasn't home. Her mother explained that her daughter went to visit her grandparents in Little Rock, Arkansas, and wouldn't be back until the next morning.

Honestly, Jolie received the information with a little bit of sadness. Things hadn't been the same since her friend stormed away from her at their school lockers. Tish was the one person she spoke to several times a day when she wasn't with Ben of course.

Not hanging out and chatting it up with her BFF wasn't easy to take.

Tish even went so far as to turn her away when she walked to her house just the other day in an attempt to fix the mess between them.

Finally, the morning before her birthday, she allowed her bestie to scratch the surface of her big secret during their ride home on the school bus. Jolie promised to tell her everything and stop hiding stuff from her best friend.

"I wish you had trusted me enough to tell me what was going on in the first place instead of shutting me out." The tall slim golden-brown young lady spoke her piece about the reason she was so angry with Jolie.

It was evident that she had really hurt her friend's feelings by not including her in such an important life transition. Tish shared all of her major decisions with Jolie including her first time.

When she and her boyfriend Cordell started dating in the seventh grade, Jolie was the first person to know about it. The night they did it for the first time in the tenth grade, Tish called her the instant she plopped down on the bed in her bedroom. They laughed about how gross boys were, how it hurt a lot at first, but then how good it felt once they did it again and again.

By the time they were seniors, all of the girls they associated with had boyfriends. Even quite a few of the dorky quirky girls had someone as well. Jolie was one of a handful of girls who didn't show any interest in anyone.

Because she often dressed in baggy boyish clothes, many of the people she had known since kindergarten figured Jolie might have a thing for girls. It never occurred to them that she was actually trying desperately to hide the changes she underwent from the chunky thirteen-year-old who everyone remembered from long ago into the sensuously big beautiful woman she had become.

In Tish's way of thinking, none of that mattered because Jolie chose to hide a part of her life from the one person who shared everything with her, and in doing so, she was worried her best friend might stay mad at her for a while.

It wasn't until her friend's mom insisted that her daughter would return in plenty of time to attend her birthday party that she finally released a sigh of relief.

Nothing in the world would suck worse than if her buddy intentionally missed her birthday party. Something like that had never happened since they met on the first day of Kindergarten. Jolie was glad to know the girl who was just like her sister would be there for her on her special day.

As she and Darcy headed back towards downtown Loveall, she lost herself in deep thought unaware of the car that crept down the street as it followed their every move.

The teens visited each store that carried formal and semi-formal dresses looking for the perfect outfit for her big day.

"What would you like to wear?" Darcy's question reached beyond the thoughts that were swirling inside her mind and pulled Jolie from the concerns paralyzing their progress.

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