͋ 11 ͋ Intimate Encounter (BWWM)

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"Oh, nothing. I was just being silly." She attempted to blow him off with a lame excuse.

It was then that apprehension swirled around them like a cloud of thick fog as Jolie's nerves became increasingly more in tune with the fact that they were all alone in the house.

On many occasions, she and Ben had spent time together but somehow, in the moment she was left feeling more vulnerable than ever before.

Now, that she was able to sneak a glimpse of him without worrying about prying eyes, her mind registered that his hair was different. His thick naturally wavy black hair was shorter and darker as it seemed to reflect fewer gray strands. Her fingers ached to rake through it to satisfy her curiosity regarding just how soft it must be.

Ben wore a white button-up long-sleeve shirt, black slacks, and expensive-looking black loafers.

She was so glad her appraisal of him went unnoticed because her eyes refused to release their hold.

Believing herself to be slick for stealing assessing glances at the man she had spent so much time intentionally ignoring throughout the day, Jolie enjoyed the view until she realized she was caught.

"You know, it's rude to stare, right?" A country boy's accent was transformed into a hot and sticky assault on her senses. His words mortified Jolie who backed away from him ever so slightly as if she were in mortal danger of being bitten by a rabid beast.

How in the world did he know she was staring at him? The thought flashed through her mind. Ben was completely turned around facing the opposite direction. The man she grew to admire turned to face her as his catlike eyes set on her like he was stalking his prey.

A sense of being trapped enveloped her as he approached her from the den. Jolie side-stepped him and took a seat on the couch. Deep in her core, she sensed it was better to find a place that wasn't closed in rather than being trapped by him on one side and the grandfather clock on the other. She wasn't quite sure she made the right call as he redirected his attention to her new location.

The flicker burning in his striking green eyes honestly frightened her. They hinted at a prowess for which she had no knowledge or comprehension. A stirring deep within cautioned her against staying in the room with Ben any longer. It whispered the dangers of each electric spark igniting the synapses in her body and screamed that if she continued to linger in the emotionally charged environment an invisible flame would eventually consume her.

"Do you need a ride home?" A dazzling smile on his face hinted that he knew she was moved by his earlier remarks.

"No... no... no, thanks. My mom is on her way." She explained sheepishly as she stumbled over her words while attempting to focus on anything to keep her mind off the way Ben's aura set her on fire.

Throughout the day there were times when she could feel his exploration of her. There were times when she felt a presence caressing the skin on her back only to turn around and find his eyes were guilty of stalking her.

Once during the party, a pressure much like that of someone's fingers lingering on her breasts tickled her senses. Jolie initially turned around because she thought someone stroked her along the side as she glided through the crowd.

It was as if someone reached to grab her arm and as a result, she sensed their fingers graze her skin. Sensual heat pulsed its way from her ears and cheeks to other hidden parts of her anatomy.

The strange sensation made her blush a subtle red hue all night as she made many unsuccessful attempts to focus her mind on the guests.

Jolie was forced to find the culprit when her body could no longer sustain the onslaught of warmth that was growing between her thighs.

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