A x New x Arrival

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Think, think! I only had a few seconds left. Oh, yeah, I'm strong and stuff now. I can slow down time too. This should be a cinch.

Using my ability again, I slowed down time and flipped my body over. Instincts I never knew I had (and I probably didn't until now) took over, and I tucked into a ball right before I hit the ground and rolled. I came up standing, unscathed, with my shaking arms held out at my side as if I were an Olympic gymnast or something...

Ta- tada...! Oh wait, there's no one here.

I stood there for a few moments, sweating bullets over my near death experience. I've had way too many close calls with death. I could've been a splatter of guts on the ground if I hadn't acted correctly. The thought sent shivers down my spine.

I quickly looked up at where I'd fallen from. Maybe Hisoka had the same idea and would break through too, finally finishing me off. It probably wasn't possible, since he couldn't control time, but... I stood up and waited, looking for any sign at all. There was nothing. Looks like I get to live another day.

"Applicant 1, first place," a robotic voice suddenly called. I jumped, startled. "Huh?" I glanced around the circular brick room, realizing that it was just the speakers. Don't tell me... did I just fall all the way down to the finish place? What the hell?

That was... good, but it also meant... I'd be here for three days. Since the Third Phase began, it's probably only been a couple hours. And with whoever came next... it was gonna be a real awkward wait, since I only knew those four. There was no doubt I'd reach the maximum point of boredom just waiting around here for days.

I sunk to my knees, the mental and physical exhaustion of the fight kicking in. I'm so tired. Maybe I can spend the first few hours sleeping? Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I hope no one kills me though.

When I woke up, I was still alone. Honestly, I was glad about that. I didn't want some weirdo staring at me as I slept. The next few minutes I spent trying to meditate. I gave up real quick. Then I tried to train by jogging around the room, which helped a bit. My stamina was also way up now, so I could run for days without feeling much fatigue.

After some intense thinking, I finally decided to name my ability "Chronos," after the Greek god of time. Sounds pretty badass, right? It would be strange to just keep calling it "time ability," after all.

I should've brought something with me to distract myself from this agonizing boredom... If only I'd remembered what happened when you finished the Third Phase beforehand, I thought miserably. Why couldn't I have been reincarnated here with my phone? Ah, this might as well be a whole phase by itself. Phase Three-and-a-Half: the trial of boredom.

I decided to think about my ability more, affectionately dubbed "Chronos." I could slow everything around me down, but not myself. I couldn't test it out because there was nothing else in this room. But I had so many questions. Can I speed things up too? Is there a limit to how much space I have control over? Like only within a 100-yard diameter? Or does the entire world slow down? The entire universe? Do I look like the Flash to other people when I use it? Am I really slowing everything down or am I just really fast? (I had a gut feeling it was the former.)

After even more scrutinizingly dull hours, a concrete door slid open. Finally, something happened. I stopped banging my head against the wall and watched with wide eyes as someone I knew very well stepped in. Because as soon as I saw his figure, I remembered.

"Applicant 301, second place."

Gittarackur. Also known as Illumi Zoldyck.

It started with an old tv 📺 (reborn in hxh)Where stories live. Discover now