An unexpected encounter

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August 12, 2034 Marianne and Charlotte wake up at 9AM, Marianne goes to Diana with her staff in hand.

- Good morning, Marianne.

Says Diana.

- Mom, I have to tell you something about the staff.

Says Marianne.

- Did you find out something?

Says Diana.

- I had a dream and in it was Woodward and Beatrix; they told me that I was chosen to be the witch who will bring the fertility stone, uniting the world of witches with the world of humans.

Says Marianne.

- Just like Diana and I did, do you have another threat?

Says Akko.

- No, Mama Akko, I will bring the fertility stone to everyone and make it more possible for witches like us.

Says Marianne.

- But isn't it very complicated to make fertility stones? Outside that you need their true love and you have the love stone.

Says Diana.

- I can create love stones with this staff myself, earlier today Chalie and I created 100 of them.

Says Marianne.

- But why did you do all this?

Says Diana.

- I will create fertility stones that do not need the effect of the love stone, so I am going to take the equivalent of 100 bottles of sacred water at the Du Nord family residence.

Says Marianne.

Marianne takes the staff and turns it into a broom.

- I did it! Come on, love!

Says Marianne.

- Come on, we've already taken the opportunity to visit my family.

Says Charlotte.

Marianne and Charlotte start to take off and they notice that there is a girl with blond hair coming quickly in their direction, until she goes ahead of them both, was Elle Williams.

- Marianne Cavendish Kagari.

Says Elle.

- What are you doing here?

Says Marianne.

- I came to apologize for what I caused you, I cannot believe that my family has such a closed mind, I was barely kicked out of the house, tell Saphire that I apologized to her, unfortunatelly in my condition does not allow it.

Says Elle.

- All right, Elle, I understand you did all this.

Says Marianne.

- She even tried to end my relationship with Marianne.

Says Charlotte.

- I'm sorry, maybe one day I'll find peace by becoming the leader of the Williams family, but there's a problem.

Says Elle.

- Which one?

Says Marianne.

- My family does not accept lesbians in the family and I think I am becoming, unless I can have a daughter with a girl I can be accepted, but I do not want to cheat on my future girlfriend.

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