The Scroll

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Marianne and Margareth go towards each other and the impact is too heavy that made the two dragged back.

- Not bad, but you're not used to all that power.

Says Margareth.

Margareth disappears and hits a magic on Marianne's back, hitting a spell that makes her fall flat, Marianne tries to get up, but she is hit again.

- (Margareth is very fast and more experienced, I will never beat her)

Margareth casts yet another spell, but Marianne fights back and appears on Margareth's back grabbing to be hit.

- You think this will work?

Says Margareth.

Margareth punches Marianne in the face and dodges from the spell that eventually comes back to Marianne.

- (If it keeps going like this, all that help won't do any good).

Marianne opens her eyes and Margareth is facing her, then Marianne in fear closes her eyes and casts a magic that picks up Margareth's belly and throws her a little far, the spirit of Mako ends up going out a little and observing this Diana has an idea.

- Love, that spirit that was possessing Marianne when we were in Japan because we did not take the scroll and seal her in, if Marianne casts another spell she will be able to take that spirit away from Margareth and then she will become weaker.

Says Diana.

- I'll get love.

Says Akko.

Akko runs to the Cavendish residence while slowly catching Marianne getting used to the power at hand.

- Until I'm getting it.

Says Marianne.

Marianne manages to defend one of Margareth's spells and launches another that hit her hard, making Mako's spirit almost leave Margareth's body.

- (Mako: Margareth fixes it, the more she attacks, the more I get out of your body).

- (I'm still testing Mako, I want to see what this girl is capable of before I start going all against her).

(Mako: If you go on like this, I'm going to end up totally leaving your body, it's not because I'm dead that I don't feel anything, only me is feeling the impact of her spells, so go ahead!)

Margareth then cast a magic to be in a more powerful mode.

- (Satisfied like this? How can a dead person feel pain and still be weak?).

Marianne is not intimidated and she casts a magic on Margareth that easily hits and already casts one towards Marianne.

- (Mako: Wonderful, now I will give you all the power of the Kagari witches).

Margareth begins to gain an advantage over Marianne again, who even getting used to Margareth was still a lot, Akko runs through the halls of the Cavendish residence trying to find the scroll.

- (What the hell! These things have to stay hidden like this).

After a few minutes Marianne was already panting and a little injured and Margareth was still practically unharmed.

- What is the matter brat? Are you tired already?

Says Margareth.

- I'm not giving up.

Says Marianne.

Marianne tries to attack Margaret, but she dodges easily and strikes another magic that throws her away, in which Marianne tries to get up, but Margareth throws herself with both feet on Marianne's stomach making her spit a little blood.

The fruits of the fertility stoneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें