Surprise party

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Later Marianne goes to the Cavendish residence and meets Laura.

- Grandma Laura?

Says Marianne.

- What is it, Mary?

Says Laura.

- Is Diana home?

Says Marianne.

- Your mother I don't know and stop calling her by name Mary.

Says Laura.

- What about Mom Akko?

Says Marianne.

- She's still at work, but why does you want to see you mother?

Says Laura.

- We fought again, Grandma Laura.

Says Marianne.

- Marianne, Marianne, you two live in a tug-of-war.

Says Laura.

- She keeps pushing me all the time, I just want to be free Grandma and I'm not a child anymore.

Says Marianne.

- I understand you Mary, Diana is taking a lot on your foot, we'll talk to her about it, I think you're an amazing witch and you're very devoted to your studies, but you're still an immature girl.

Says Laura.

- I'm only 14, Grandma Laura.

Says Marianne.

- Still immature looks at Charlotte and Wendoline. They're both of your age and they're very mature and well-behaved.

Says Laura.

- I know, Grandma Laura, but I just want to have fun, enjoy this teenager phase.

Says Marianne.

- I understand you Mary, but you have to act more adult, soon you'll be 18 and one day you'll start a family.

Says Laura.

- I get it, Grandma Laura.

Says Marianne.

- What about Charlotte? You still like her?

Says Laura.

- Grandma Laura!

Says Marianne blushing.

- I guess that's a yes, you're already at dating age Mary, why don't you declare yourself to her?

Says Laura.

- But will Charlie want Grandma Laura? She's a lesbian, but I don't know if she likes me.

Says Marianne.

Marianne touches her own breasts.

- I'm thin and all I have are these little things, Charlotte has a lot, she'll never want someone thin like me.

Says Marianne.

- Mary let it go, your body is beautiful, skinny too, look at your mothers.

Says Laura.

- Charlotte has huge breasts, she must like someone like her and I'm not like that.

Says Marianne.

Laura puts her finger in the middle of Marianne's chest.

- Charlotte likes that you have inside here.

Says Laura.

- My heart?

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