Chapter 13

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After the exciting experiences Ouma faced yesterday he decided to take a break and learn more about his current condition. Especially after finding that for some odd reason he was gifted with a second chance.

That morning when Kaede introduces her next big plan, Kokichi decided to sit it out. Of course, as anyone would expect, Shuichi and Kaito were a bit worried. Nonetheless, they complied with their shortest boyfriend and left him alone. Mainly because Kokichi teased the two of them about needing some alone time. There reaction was priceless and left Ouma in stitches.

The purple haired shortie waved as the group left and soon walked upstairs to his room. It was time to test his theory.

Kokichi snatched a sticky note that was attached to the bathroom mirror and scanned it over. He had written down the tests he planned to attempt earlier this morning so he wouldn't forget.

Test one: Pain

Test two: Powers

Test three: Breath

Test four: Pulse

Kokichi braced himself and walked up to a nearby wall. Here he planned on testing the first category; pain. The purple haired male closed his eyes gently, it wasn't like he hadn't tested himself before, though this was because of a different circumstance.

When Ouma was prepared he cocked his arm back and slammed his fist roughly into the wall. He winced as sharp pain traveled mercilessly up his arm. Kokichi clutched his hand and shook it around.

"God damnit!" He hissed, clutching the wound to his chest. "I've already done this once, why did I think the results would be any different!?"

When the pain in his fist subsided, Kokichi decided that it'd be best to move on. So, the second test had begun. He grabbed four items from inside his room and placed them in front of him. A penny, a book, a suitcase, and a laptop.

This was a test of his ability to make objects levitate. He hadn't tested that specific ability in a while so he figured it wouldn't be a bad idea to do so. Though, he was a bit worried about breaking the laptop, it was really expensive. Not to mention all of his life savings had been donated to charity when he died. One can only imagine how pissed off about that he was.

Kokichi channeled his powers into thinking about the penny. He imagined it floating gently through the air and into his hand. Then before he knew it a cold circular piece of metal dropped into his palm; it had worked.

Ouma looked down at his hand and fiddled with the copper material. So he hadn't lost his powers completely, but how much was taken from him? Oh well there was no way to truly know unless he found out for himself.

Kokichi glances at the book that he had picked for the second experiment. He the proceeded to allow the same thoughts he had for the penny flow through his head. He furrowed his brows as the book lifted into the air. The strain he felt was great and he almost gave up and let the book drop to the ground. Nonetheless, the book eventually plopped into his open hand. Thank goodness it was over, Ouma never wanted to feel such mental strain again.

Wistfully, Kokichi looked over at the next objects. Suddenly what seemed like an easy feat was proven to be increasingly difficult. Ouma thought of lifting the laptop but the same intense strain that he felt during the book interrupted him. No he wouldn't be able to lift anymore objects. Not today anyway.

So, Kokichi moves on to the next task and filled a bathtub up with water. When it was filled to the brim, he bag am to get undressed. He grabbed his phone and set a stopwatch on it. Then he took a deep breath and submerged himself.

As expected, the first few minutes were peaceful and Kokichi found himself on the verge of sleep. But all good things come to an end eventually and the need for oxygen his Ouma like a ton of bricks. Without fail, he was scrambling for air in less than five seconds afterward.

The purple haired male coughed and gasped as the well earned oxygen filled his lungs. After the pain subsided he looked at his timer and frowned lightly. He'd been underwater for five minutes. Ouma snatched a towel from off the countertop and wrapped it around himself. Well that was interesting.

After Kokichi had dried of he pulled his clothes back on and sat down on his bed. Now it was time for trial four; the pulse. Ouma closed his eyes and placed two fingers to his wrist. No pulse. He did the same to his neck and received the same answer. He did not have a pulse, not yet anyway.

Exhaustion filled Kokichi's body and he laid back into the pillows. It didn't really matter if he took a nap, he did take the day off after all.

So with a heavy sigh, Ouma snuggled into the pillows and heaved the blankets over his shoulders. Gosh he really needed this. Shuichi and Kaito couldn't possibly understand how much stress has been put on Kokichi's shoulders. Especially after finding that there's more to life than death.

Ouma starred up at the blanched ceiling. What even was he? Obviously the male wasn't alive, living people have a pulse. Does that mean he was some kind of vampire, they don't have pulses, do they? No, wouldn't that mean he'd have to drink blood to survive. Kokichi shivered, yeah there's no way he's drinking blood. That's disgusting.

Kokichi closed his eyes yet again and buried his head into his pillow. It was impossible to when think straight(probably because he's gay. I'm looking at you @shipping_my_idiots and @kokichii. I know what you commented~ :3)

A headache was imprinted on his brain and all he could think about was sleeping. So, that's what he did. The first thing that passed through his mind was Kaito and Shuichi as he drifted off into dreamland.

(1017 Words)

Thank you for reading and commenting, it really brightens my day.

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