Chapter 6

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Kaito rapped on Shuichi's door, laughing slightly when he saw his bed head. "Kaede got us all tickets to Disney World!" The blunette rubbed his eyes, "What?"

Kaito sighed and repeated what he'd said but slower. "How did Kaede get us all tickets?" Kaito shrugged, "I dunno I'm just the messenger."

"Where do you want me to meet you guys?"

"Same place as usual,pack your stuff we're leaving at eleven be there by then."

Shuichi nodded and got dressed, he planned to see Kokichi before meeting with the others, unless of course the lair was already with them. Once the detective was done packing, he walked over to Kokichi's dorm. The door was open a crack, and Shuichi gasped at the horrifying sight.

The poltergeist was covered in blood. "Kokichi!" Shuichi screamed running inside, the purple haired male's hands were shaking. "What happened!!" The purplenette was gripping his arm tightly, "I cut myself on accident, I-I wasn't exposed to bleed out...g-ghosts c-can't bleed..."

Shuichi picked Kokichi up bridle style and carried him to the bathroom where he proceeded to clean him off and tend to the wound. "How did you cut yourself?" Shuichi asked, snapping Kokichi out of his trance.

"I was playing with a knife and accidentally stabbed myself, I didn't notice it until I saw blood. It surprised me, I told you before that ghosts can't bleed or feel pain. I kinda felt both."

Shuichi stared at him oddly, while wrapping his arm in gauze. Once he was done, Kokichi shooed the detective away as he got a new change of clothes.

"Did you hear that what Kaede got us?" Shuichi yelled from Kokichi's bed, "Oh the Disney World thing? I wasn't invited." Shuichi frowned, "Really?" Kokichi came out of the bathroom with a smirk on his face, "That was a lie, I was invited but because I can't be seen Kaede didn't buy me a ticket."

"Do you have your things packed?" The detective asked, the poltergeist shook his head, "I don't have a bag for that." Shuichi cocked his head, "Then wh---" Kokichi cut him off, "As long as I don't get blood or something else that stains on this I'll be fine."

Shuichi nodded and the two set off to the cafeteria, where they were met by a shocking sight. There were clothes everywhere, and suitcases thrown across the room. The group was split, they were all yelling at each other, except the few like Angie and Himiko who were just watching.

Kokichi snickered, "Scrum debate!!" He yelled catching everybody's attention, surprisingly, nobody objected. They all got in lines and explained what they were arguing about, it was honestly pretty stupid.

They were fighting about their means of transportation, it was either plane or car. In the end Kaede broke it up saying she already paid for plane tickets. Kokichi thought the whole argument was a waste of time, others agreed.

So the group gathered their clothes and got in their cars, Kokichi refused to come inside. "Shuichi?" He whispered, grabbing the blunette's attention. "I'm not going on the plane with you..." Shuichi looked at him questioningly, "Why?"

The poltergeist blushed and turned away, "I-I'm afraid of heights..." The detective laughed, "So how do you suppose you'll get there?" "Send me a picture of the entrance on your phone and wait five minutes, I'll be there by then."

Shuichi nodded and got in the car, when Kaede asked why Kokichi was outside he just shrugged. The poltergeist waved them off and waltzed back to his room, he now had to find something to do until the text. How fun.


Kokichi spent an entire day and a half examining his ghostly body. He'd found some interesting things, he could now fully feel pain and bleed. It was all too concerning considering the circumstances. It was around 9:30am when he got the text, the poltergeist closed his eyes and cleared his mind. He imagined himself smiling and waving in the picture, the familiar feeling of teleportation in his mind. The next time he opened his eyes the first thing he saw was Angie's shocked face.

"Even Atua wonders how you arrived!" She said catching the attention of the people around her. Kaito looked back and shrieked, "How did you get here!?"

Kokichi giggled and gave him a creepy look, "I imagined your dead body and wanted to make it reality. Nishishi~" Kaito hugged Maki an hid behind her.

Shuichi sighed, "He has a teleportation power and he used that." Kaito didn't feel any better.

"C'mon let's head in!" Kaede smiled, grabbing Shuichi's hand and pulling him along. Kokichi growled at this, but put his figurative mask on and followed.

When they got to the ticket master Kokichi just walked straight in, but was stopped by a burly man. "Hey kid! You have to give the ticket dude your pass!" Kokichi looked at him strangely and just walked past him, everything changed the moment his arm was grabbed.

Kokichi yanked his arm away and ran to Kaede, "He can see me!!" She looked at him in shock, "B-but your a ghost!?" She whispered, the purplenette rolled his eyes. "No shit."

Kaede sighed, "M-maybe he won't notice you and we could sneak you in... we are in line and we have a bit of time..." So when Kaede was up to hand the guy her ticket Kokichi hid behind her back. Unfortunately this did not go unseen.

"Ma'am you need a ticket for your child."

This set Kokichi off, "I am not a goddamn child! I am a teenager for your information!" The ticket master gave him a look of guilt, "I-I'm sorry sir! Y-you're just so... s-small!"

Kokichi snarled at him, "I'm going to complain to your boss for this one!" The man trembled, "P-please d-don't! I'll do anything!"

Kokichi smirked and put a finger to his lips, "Anything~?" The master nodded, "Well then~ I want you to let me in for free~" The man shook his head, "I couldn't possib---" Kokichi cut him off with a glare.

"Oh? Do you want to defy what I say? I can go find your boss right now..."

"N-no please!"

"Then you'll let me in."

The ticket master sighed and scanned a ticket he had on hand, "G-go in..." As the group finished up Kaede looked at Kokichi with a questioning gaze. "How did you get him to do that? It was an honest mistake on his part, he shouldn't have been so worried."

Kokichi shrugged, "I cornered him psychologically, he had no choice but to do what I said. Of course he was dumb enough to think his boss would fire him, I know these types of places, that would've never happened."

Kaede smiled at him and met Shuichi as he came out of the gate, she didn't notice Kokichi's glare. But Shuichi did, the blunette gave him a apologetic glance and walked with her.

Kokichi smiled to himself, 'as much as I don't want Kaede to be that close to my lover, I'll let her be. Eventually she'll find out that me and Shuichi are together and it'll be all too worth it.'

Himiko called the purple haired ghost back out of his thoughts to ask him a question, 'Well until then I might as well enjoy my time here.' And for one of the first times in his life he completely relaxed.

**(1250 Words)**

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