13: Starting With One Act of Kindness

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Of course, in a town such as Smeerensburg, it is no big surprise that not every toy delivery came out in tip top, perfect shape. Some problems occur from time to time, but it is mostly just minor inconveniences.

Klaus still reminds Jesper of that one time where, when trying to collect reindeer who'll pull their sled, one of them got a tad bit aggressive.... Okay, it was very aggressive. It straight up head butted Jesper into the six inch layered snow when he tried to capture it. It also marks as the first time that Jesper let out the beast inside him, pouncing the reindeer and shredding it to the bone. Klaus eventually pulled Jesper away from the reindeer that was now a mangled up mess.

Klaus keeps having to remind Jesper that nothing was his fault, but he remains in his little bubble of guilt. That day was not a good day for any of them. Since then, Klaus has been teaching Jesper on how to manage his new beast like strength and wrath.

Two weeks later, his teachings have been put to the test. While out delivering the presents and surviving the guard dogs, Jesper spots a plump, unibrowed Ellingboe boy harassing a defenseless Edith. It is nighttime and extra snowy, so the beast comes to the conclusion that their parents really do not give a shit about their children. Jesper hides behind a tree (rather poorly) and spies on the conversation.

Edith: So what if you got a worse present than me? Be grateful you at least got a present, Brutus!

Brutus: But you're a Krum though! It literally rhymes with scum, and Krum's are scums as Mommy told me! It's not fair that you get a better present when I'm from the superior side of town!

Edith: Klaus doesn't care who's side you are on! What matters is if you choose to be respectful to all he has given us!

Brutus: Well, he didn't really gave you much, did he? Your dad's still not around, is he?

Edith: Well.... No-

Brutus: This is why I deserve it more. If even your own dad doesn't bother spending the rest of his life with you, then you're worth nothing. Now hand over the toy.

Something inside of Jesper made him want to rip this little bully into shreds and leave him with the leftover reindeer corpse. But he knew that he had to contain himself in order to not become the monster Rose and Charles are calling him.

Suddenly, he gets an idea. He marches behind Brutus, a glare as cold as the ice in Smeerensburg.

Jesper: I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something?

Brutus turns around and jumps upon seeing Jesper's tall figure compared to his own.

Brutus: B-B-Beast!

Jesper: Oh yeah. I'm a beast alright. Specifically, I'm Klaus's right hand beast. And let me tell you, Klaus is watching every single one of your dirty deeds.

Edith: (decides to play along) And what does he do with kids who do bad things, wise and courageous beast?

Jesper: (smirks) He puts them down on the list. It's called.... The Naughty List.

Brutus: The what?

Jesper: When there's a naughty child afoot, Klaus sends after me to deal with them. And you don't want to mess with me, Brutus.

Edith: Trust me, Brutus. You don't want to end up like Mr. Johansson.

This breaks Brutus's mind before he starts fleeing for his life. Jesper cannot help but let s chuckle out.

Jesper: That, Edith, is what happens when you mess with a postman.

Edith: Wow... You are amazing! I can't wait to tell everyone about this! I bet Klaus will be so flattered by the way you showed Brutus!

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