2: How Does a Moment Last Forever

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Janna is assigned to drive the carriage taking Jesper to his fate. It will be a five hour journey to the destination of the sailor, who would guide Jesper to the island.

This is going to be a long day, Janna thought after hearing Jesper's tenth, maybe twentieth complaint.

Jesper: Why are we traveling out in the thunder anyway? We can at least wait until the storm went away, you know. I hate stormy weathers...

Fiftieth. This is his fiftieth complaint. Janna has to admit that she is rather impressed by just how much Jesper can ramble on and on about whatever dumb stuff there was to whine about. Whether it'd be not so comfy seats, the weather, or even his left big toe being in pain, Jesper always finds something to act like a bitch about.

Janna: Jesper, storms come and they go. We're just unlucky to walk right in the middle of one.

Jesper: It's bad enough that I have to lose my part of the family's estate. Now I have to spend my days being pummeled to the ground in some sorta duel.

Janna: Who knows? Maybe the rumors are just rumors and you can deliver those letters easily.

Jesper: The rain is like my inner tears of depression.

Janna: Stop whining, princess, we only have two hours to spare.

As Janna and her horse lead towards the mud filled passage, a trail of cows are seen blocking their path. They are taking their sweet time munching on the leftover grass.

Janna: Oh, c'mon now...

Jesper: Well, great. This is just perfect. Now I have to wait for my impending doom even more.

Janna: Hey, cows! You're blocking the trail!!

Jesper: Janna, my sock is getting wet!

Jesper: Take the sock off!

Jesper: But this was fine silk, Janna! How am I supposed to get it dry cleaned when I get to Smeerensburg?!

Janna: In the sun, Jesper!

Jesper: What sun?! It's raining!!

Janna: Oh my god... YOU FUCKING COWS!!! I GOT PLACES TO BE!!!

Two hours pass of waiting for the cows to finish their grass. The thunder is now desolate, but the rain is drizzling down the exit of the mountainside. This is especially sad for Jesper because now both of his socks are wet.

Jesper: Janna...

Janna: What? What stupid thing do you have to complain about now?

Jesper: First off, socks are a valuable asset to the feet, meaning they can't possibly be stupid. Especially if they're silk.

Janna: (sighs) You always have to have everything silk. What, you have silk undies as well?

Jesper: The fact that you know what kind of underwear I wear disturbs me.

Janna: Oh man, it must've been because I do your laundry every fucking week.

Jesper: Y-You could always let the maids do that...

Janna: Unlike you, I can take care of my own silk ridden clothing.

Jesper: ..... I like silk a lot.... Our mom used to buy us these silk sheets... She'd tuck us in whenever we have nightmares. Remember that?

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