8: News Both Good and Bad

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For the first time in years, Klaus is finally going outside the comforts of the forest. He had never set foot on the town of Smeerensburg for who knows how many decades. Then again, no one really paid attention to Klaus and Lydia when they came to visit, so he does not expect a warm welcome back or anything like that. Standing next to him is Jesper, the animal with the mindset of an angelic, if not jittery, human.

Jesper is holding on to that teddy bear nice and tight. He is not about to let any harsh winds bring him or Klaus down. As a beast, his heart is fueling with enough strength and momentum to walk further and further. Jesper is tackling through harsh weathers to give one stuffed bear to one small child.

Klaus appreciates that side of Jesper a whole lot. It is almost like his dear Lydia...

Jesper: Is this place always this cold...?

Klaus: It gets warmer overtime, but there's always snow.

Jesper: There's always snow?! How do you people function?!

Klaus: Like how people should function. You have to be one with nature. Give back to nature.

Jesper tilts his head, not really sure if it is Klaus's age getting to him or what. Klaus sighs.

Klaus: You saw my birdhouses, right?

Jesper: Those hundreds of birdhouses... You made those too?

Klaus: Ever since one cold day, I gave nature my birdhouses. The birds will come and use those birdhouses to alert me of any hunters.

Jesper: So you're a bird monger or something?

Klaus: ... I like birds.

Jesper: Alright then... Your call, Klaus.

Klaus: The breeze also makes fine music using those birdhouses. Such sweet melodies are mostly played in the darkest of nights...

Jesper: Okay, I know you're old and all, but you don't have to get so poetic about every single detail, y'know?

Klaus: If I didn't, then you would of snoozed off by now, Jesper.

Jesper: Eh, true.

The breeze eventually leads them to the town of Smeerensburg. It looks just about the same as it was when Klaus last visited, he thought. The smoke that came from leftover ashes still burns his nostrils.

Jesper wanders about, tracing for any Ellingboe house that could be Dorothy's. He could tell that she is forced upon that side because of her curly ginger hair. Apparently, every Ellingboe possesses red hair while each Krum has black hair. He find that to be rather coincidental and even a bit freaky.

He spots a house with a beaten clothing hanger. It barely holds on to the dirty overalls, stained dresses, and soiled underwear. From the looks of it, the parents don't really bother to wash their kids' clothes properly. Even with all the stains, however, Jesper recognizes the purple dress almost immediately. This is the house of Harry and Dorothy. He holds onto Klaus's hand.

Jesper: Klaus, this is it. This has to be her house. That's her dress, hanging on the hanger.

Klaus: Well? Let's go in.

Jesper: What? No! We can't just knock on their door in the middle of the night! Their parents are going to freak!

Klaus: How else are we supposed to get in? Chimney?

Jesper: Chimney.... Yes, the chimney! Good thinking, Klaus! Except... How do we get up on the roof?

Klaus: Hmmm....

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