4: The Blood Shedding Life in Smeerensburg

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Smeerensburg has always been on the poorer class. People can never gain proper jobs, kids do not go to school, all the houses are on the brink of crumbling, and families are sometimes left homeless. The only valuable assets Smeerensburg has is the high amount of weaponry people possess. Those weapons, however, are used to fight against opposing forces.

In Smeerensburg, one is either of two sides: Krum or Ellingboe. The two familial bonds have been waging war against one another in order to show off their dominance. They lust over the opposing side's demise and will stop at nothing to make sure they fall. In the end of the day, each battle they have goes nowhere and nothing ever gets resolved. But that did not stop them from continuing their quest for dominance.

The only citizen rumored to not be on either side is a former teacher named Alva. Parents refuse to let their children enter school since literature, math, and science do not help with making the opponents fall. Since then, Alva is now a secluded fish monger and no one ever hears from her since.

In the Krum side, there live two kids who are the best of friends. Their names are Edith and Louis. They long for more than the constant battling in their town.

In the Ellingboe side, there live two kids who are unbreakable siblings. Their names are Dorothy and Harry. They, too, long for more than the constant battling in their town.


Little town, it's a violent nutcase
Everyday like the one before


Little town, filled with wrathful people
Waking up to say


Get lost!
Fuck off!
Go die!
Piss off!
Fuck you!


There goes the baker with his rolls, like always
His wife once tasted one and died


Every morning, it's the same
Since the morning that we came
To this poor blood shedding town

A Krum Citizen: You! Bastard!

Harry: Yes, ma'am?

A Krum Citizen: You and your Ellingboe sister can get your diseased ridden feet off my snow!

Dorothy: But the snow is for everyone.

Harry: (pulling his sister's arm) Dorothy, let's not make her more mad... I heard they own shotguns.

Dorothy: Shotguns or not, what I say is true.


And off we go away from that old woman
We might just end off getting fried


We're the losers in the crowd
Our parents will not be proud

[Harry & Dorothy]

No denying, we're the oddballs in this town


Hey you!


Hey you!

[Man & Woman]

You smell like sewage!

[Woman 2]

You there!

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