I nod, even though my thoughts are an incomprehensible disaster. "It's not all bad, pup," He comforts me. "Here, I want to show you something."

He gets off of the bed, carrying me into the bathroom, and I can't help myself from nuzzling myself closer to his warm body, purring as I do so, my wolf only happy being pressed against her mate.

Cain sets me on the floor of the bathroom, and I almost snarl at him, but I'm caught of guard by my reflection. My scars were gone, all of them. I knew that my tongue had regenerated but... all of the scars that littered my body had disappeared as well. I didn't recognize the person staring back at me in the mirror.

"How?" I whisper, even though I can already guess the answer.

He confirms it as he says, "The sudden influx of power sent your body into overdrive, healing your scars."

Wanting to test a theory, I summon a wolfsbane soaked dagger, and Cain warns me, "Don't. You will be able to scar now that the transformation is over."

I shrug. What's one scar anyways? I run the blade deep along my forearm, feeling the combination of silver and wolfsbane burn at my flesh. For a brief moment, I feel peace, like the pain has dulled my heightened senses.

I wipe away the blood, and the wound is already healed, leaving a jagged scar. "Told you so," Cain muttered lowly. "Don't do that again."

I nod at his command, my neck barring in submission. What the hell?

"Your wolf wants to submit to her mate," Cain explained quietly.

Bitch, I thought to myself. I gasped as I had a sudden realization.

"You're telling me that by body healed itself," I say to Cain, and he nods, confused. "That means..." I get choked up, unable to use my words to express my emotion.

I send Cain images through our mindlink, of my dreams, before they turned into a gore-fest. Me, swollen with a pup. A boy, dark haired and light eyed, the perfect combination of Cain and I.

"Oh, mate." Cain murmurs, pulling me into his arms. "You know I want that more than anything but... Please don't get your hopes up." His voice had grown soft, gentle, scared of shattering my already fragile psyche.

"Why shouldn't I?" I ask, so excited I'm practically bouncing as I pull away from him. "If my tongue is able to fully regenerate, there's no way that my womb is still damaged."

Cain sighed, a sad look on his face. "I just can't bear the thought of you crushed if we are unable to conceive. I saw how negatively you were affected when the healers were unable to help. I don't want you to get your hopes up only to be let down. Remember that you're still the most perfect mate I could have asked for, pup or no pup. Our lives are already perfect with or without a child."

I nod, but I already disregarded his warning to err on the side of caution. I could feel my health, my power radiating throughout my body, and I refused to believe that I would not be able to have a pup.

"Let's go blow off some of that steam, yeah?" Cain suggests, and I grin evilly, already knowing exactly what was about to go down.


"This is so not what I had in mind when you said blow off steam," I groan as my head smacked against the training floor.

Cain laughed as he unpinned me. "You already had violent tendencies even before the transformation. Now that your wolf is even more in control, you'll find that you're even more prone to violent outbursts."

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