Deceive - Sugawara Koushi

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He can't have done that. He just can't. He's not like this! He can't have done something like this!

It had been an hour since you had been struggling with your thoughts. You were sitting on the couch in the living room, your phone unlocked on the coffee table. You were looking at nothing in particular, you were just trying to process the pieces of information you were given earlier. You were too scared to move even one finger, afraid you would collapse and never stood back up again. Your eyes landed on your phone again, seeing this horrible picture. You felt your mind gone blank, almost fainting from the shock. You managed to steady yourself a bit but collapsed on your knees. You were going crazy, you felt betrayed by the most important person in your life. You felt like puking, you felt disgusted.

Suddenly, the sound of a door being closed caught your attention. It was him. You felt sicker as you heard his usual cheerful voice. Your whole body was shaking, your stomach hurt like crazy. His voice called you out as you did not greet him back but you did not have the strength to say anything or even stand up. His steps grew closer and eventually, he reached the living room. You could hear his panicked gasp as he rushed towards you to see what was wrong.

"[name]?! What's wrong? Are you hurt somewhere? Did you fall or something?" he asked in a hurry, barely breathing between questions. He was about to lay his hands on your shoulders but you quickly shook him off violently without thinking. You did not need to look back to know he was shocked by your action, never did you show any sign of violence or anger in front of him. "[name], what's wrong? Please, tell me what happened."

"'What happened'?!" you snapped. How could he ask this when he should know exactly what happened? Your voice sounded shaky, broken. Talking hurt so much but you could not stay silent longer. "You know exactly! Why did you do that, Koushi?!"

"Did what?" He looked confused and lost. His eyes were looking for an answer and it drove you to the edge.

"You fucking cheater! Why would you do that?! Was I not enough for you?!" you screamed, hurting your throat even more. It was burning like hell but you could not think straight.

"Cheater? What the hell are you talking about? I never cheated on you!"

"Liar!!" you screamed louder as you stood up, almost falling again. "I saw it! I saw you with another woman!"

Koushi stood up as well, still wearing this confused look. "I don't understand, [name]! That's impossible!"

"Then, would you be so kind as to explain this picture?!" You felt on your knees and grabbed your phone. You caught a few times while shaking as you tried to unlock your phone. You spent a long time on the screen, unable to type your code correctly. Your vision was becoming blurry, you felt like you were about to faint at any time.

Sugawara tried to help you but you kept shaking him off. He seemed almost scared in this situation, he wanted to understand you but he was scared to do something wrong. He never faced anything of the sort and was lost for words. He just waited for you to finish, hoping to solve the situation. He tried to speak but you did not seem to hear any words he would pronounce.

Finally, you managed to unlock your phone and you were immediately greeted by this picture. You closed your eyes, your hand covering your mouth as an attempt to calm yourself. You shove your phone in front of him to make him look. You knew you were shaking a lot and you barely had any strength to hold your device. Your husband took it from you and you could hear him make a confused sound.

"But, this is not me," he simply said.

You glanced up confused. "What do you mean, it's not you? There are not a thousand men with gray hair and mold under their left eyes."

"Yeah, I know that but," he scooted closer carefully to not scare you. He had zoomed in the picture on his face and pointed at something. "Look, it was retouched. You can see some brown strands over there. And you can tell by looking around the face that there are some elements that make so sense."

You looked closer and indeed saw these proofs, clearly showing it was fake. Your heart was telling you he was right and you just made a fool out of yourself yet, your mind was not convinced. "But why would anyone send me a fake photo then? It could be because the picture is in bad quality," you retorted. You had every proof showing you it was not him, but you were still scared he was just trying to save his skin.

He exited the picture to look at who sent it to you. It was a number you did not register. The first idea that came to his mind is checking in his contact to see if it was someone he had. He kept the same number since high school and still had the same contacts, so, with a bit of luck, he might find the culprit. "Bingo," he explained. You curiously looked over his shoulder and saw who the person was. It was a girl that had always hated you ever since you got close to the Karasuno volleyball's club. It all made sense now. You really did make a fool of yourself.

The tears felt down like a fountain as you fell in your husband's arms. You screamed words of apology in a hoarse voice. You felt stupid doubting the one you held the closest to your heart. He held you tightly against him, stroking your head to reassure you. It hurt him seeing you like this but, for some reason, he always liked your smell when you cried. His mind eased a bit, knowing this misunderstanding was finished. Now, he set a new goal in his head. He kept you on his arms for an hour or even more. He did not track time, neither did you. After you calmed down, you immediately fell asleep. Koushi carried you to the bedroom and tucked you in bed. He sat next to you and gently stoked your forehead. After he made sure you were asleep, he wore a grave look and stood up, making his way to the living room. He got a hold on his phone and stared at the screen. He dialed the number and waited patiently for the person to answer.

"Hello?" a girl's voice said on the other end.

"Hi, it's me, Sugawara. It's been a long time." He was smiling but his tone was not.

A few hours later, you woke up. Your body still hurt and your throat was dry. You looked around as you tried to find your husband. You heard the door opening and saw him with a tray. He brought porridge and a glass of water. He wore a grin and sat down next to you.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" he gently asked. He put the tray down on the nightstand.

You looked down, still feeling bad for overreacting it and not looking into things beforehand. "Koushi, I-"

He raised his finger and pressed it against your lips. "It's alright. It just showed how much you love me."

"Still... I knew you would never ever do something like this but I doubted you."

"Well, it looked realistic."

You punched him gently with a pout. "Put the blame on me a bit, alright?"

He giggled and ruffled your head. "Then, you'll be on cooking duty tomorrow."

You smiled and gave a big warm hug. "Okay. I'll do the dishes as well."

"You're too kind, honey~"

"I kinda heard you talking on the phone before I fell asleep, who was it?"

"No one. Don't worry about it. You should be fine from now on," he said before kissing your forehead.

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