Snapchat - Iwaizumi Hajime

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 "Why does he keep sending those stupid photos?" asks Iwaizumi, angry as always.

"What photos?" you look at his phone and see some photos of Oikawa passing by and stare with surprised when you realize on which social media they are from. "You have Snapchat, Hajime?"

"This stupid trash downloaded it on my phone when I wasn't looking."

"Why didn't you delete it then?"

"I thought he wanted to ask me something or whatever but he keeps sending me picture of him!"

"That's pretty funny," you laugh as you look at Oikawa's selfies.

"Hey, don't look at him."

"Don't be jealous Hajime~ You know I love you not him."

"Still, give it back to me."

"Wait! I have to add you!"

"You have Snapchat?"

"Yes of course! I have Oikawa on it too. We send a ton of selfies everyday it's so funny," you pick up your phone and open up Snapchat to add your boyfriend on it. He looks at you angrily.

"Why do you send him photos of you?"

"Oh? Are you pouting? Don't worry! Oikawa is just a friend! And now I'll send you a ton of selfies too~ But you had to send me some okay?"


"Yay! I love you Hajime!" you hug him tightly and he hugs you back.

"Still, don't show your cute face so often to this trash. He doesn't deserve it."

"Okay, okay. I promise~"

You are at Iwaizumi's house. You both are sitting in the couch, your head on his laps as you look at the TV. You give back Iwaizumi's phone once you finished adding each other. You send him a picture as soon as you are friends. He sees you sent a picture and wondered why you sent one to him when you are in the same room. He opens it anyway and smiles when he sees your cute face. He pats your [h/c] hair and you smile back at him.

"You have to send me one too!"


"Because I want!"

He sighs at his capricious girlfriend. He takes a photo like you ask and sends it to you. You smile and screenshot the photo he just sent you.

"Got one of Hajime's selfie now~"

"Did you just take a screenshot?"

"Not at all~"

"I hate you."

"Love you, honey~"

You keep watching the TV together, the movie you were waiting finally starting. You keep sending pictures of you whenever you feel like but he won't send any. So you pout and keep watching the movie. After it, you spend some more time together before going back home. He walks you home -like the gentleman he is. You are holding hands all the way to your house. It is winter so you have your face bury inside your scarf, gloves on hands to keep you warm as well as your warm coat. Your boyfriend also is wearing warm clothes. After a few minutes, you arrive to your house. Iwaizumi gives you a goodbye kiss and you wave until you don't see him anymore. You take your phone and open Snapchat again. You send him a picture of you to thank him for walking you home.

Back to his home, Iwaizumi opens the application and smiles at your picture. "She's so cute" he thought to himself. He hopes you don't send the same kind of picture to Oikawa. Once in his room, he also takes a photo and say you shouldn't mind. He sees you took a screenshot again and sends you a message via the app.


Stop with the screenshots

Your sweet girlfriend~:

I can't help it you're so handsome in every one of them~ <3


Aah... whatever do what you want

CU tomorrow

Your sweet girlfriend~:

Cu honey~ Love you so much (♡'౪'♡)


Love you too

He puts away his phone and prepares himself to go to bed.

He wakes up at the sound of his alarm clock ringing in his room. He turns it off and slowly sits up and yawns. He gets off his bed and picks up his phone as he walks to the kitchen. He sees you sent him a photo via the same application. He sighs knowing you won't stop sending pictures from now on. But he feels happy inside. Seeing your face every time he couldn't see you is not so bad in is opinion. You took a photo of you when you just woke up. You have sleepy eyes in it but he can see you tried your best to smile even though you aren't really a morning person. He sends you a new photo to greet you back and you screenshot again at his cute morning face. "Again?" he sighs and regrets he didn't do the same to the photo you sent earlier.

"Iwa-chan! Iwa-chan!" calls a voice next to him.

"What Trashykawa?"

"Why are you sending back photos to [f/n]-chan but not me?" Oikawa pouts, puffing his cheeks in a childish manner.

"Don't want to send you any. I never ask you to send me your stupid selfies anyway."

"So mean, Iwa-chan! [f/n]-chan always sends me selfies back..."

"Tch," he clutches his tongue and looks away, trying to act like doesn't care.

"Oh look, she just sends me one."

He turns his face back on Oikawa's phone as he opens your photo. You put a filter which make the photo more sparkling. You have your tongue out and a victory sign right next to your face. Oikawa smiles at the picture saying you are really cute in this one. He is going to answer you but before he could, Iwaizumi takes his phone away from him and he takes a photo of himself with an angry frown and tells you to stop sending cute photos to Oikawa. When you see it, you chuckle and sends him an answer through his account. You put an innocent face with puppy-like eyes and put the same filter. You sent it to him with a little sorry writing on it. You notice he just screenshot and you blush a little feeling happy he likes this photo of you.

"Hajimeee~" you hug him from behind while he tries to study on his desk.

"What again?"

"You're so cute when you're jealous."

"Shut up. You told me that five time already."

"I know but I love you too much," you chuckle and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah, me too, I guess," he answers after a short time.

"What do you mean I guess?!" he doesn't answer which irritated you. "Hajimeee!"



edited: I fucked up the first time XD Got the wrong one

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