Voice - Azumane Asahi

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Art by Azuriota on Deviantart! (https://www.deviantart.com/azuriota/art/Azumane-Asahi-599884695)


Summer came to an end. The weather slowly started to get colder, but the breeze felt nice after a scorching summer. Squeeking noises echoed in the almost empty school. The boys' volleyball club was still practicing. They trained more than usual as they recently qualified for the national. Eventually, they took a small break and rested on the bench or ground while drinking water. Asahi took his water bottle but noticed it was empty. Yachi apologized for not noticing and pressed on to fill it but he stopped her saying he was going to go because he wanted to get some fresh air.

Asahi stepped out and stretched a bit. He took a deep breath, the feeling of the cool breeze calming him down. He walked to the nearest sink quickly so he would go back to practice faster. As he reached his destination, something caught his attention - a voice.  His full attention was on the voice that he forgot about getting water. He noticed this voice was singing - some sort of popular music he guessed. Really intrigued, he decided to go see this voice.

He walked in the quiet courtyard, looking for the person with the angelic voice. It became clearer and clearer as he progressed. At some point, he noticed a figure standing by a maple tree. He could clearly hear the voice now. Asahi stood there motionless as he looked at this person. He was so caught up in the moment that he forgot where he was and that he had still some training to do with his team. He did not notice who it was first, the singing was driving him to another dimension. He closed his eyes, leaning against the wall of a building nearby, and listened to the little concert. He never heard a voice so beautiful before, he just wanted to hear this voice until the song finished. He felt like he knew the person behind the song but he thought he would check after.

Then, the song ended. Asahi finally opened his eyes again and stared at the person in front of him. He realized it was [full name] from his class. They had never really talked to each other as [name] was a really reserved person. Asahi knew [name] was quite nice despite being always in retreat - he knew it was out of shyness. [Name] did not seem to have noticed he was here so, to catch their attention, he clapped their presentation. They turned around and Asahi noticed the blush on their cheeks. He realized how rude it must have been to listen without asking beforehand. He quickly apologized and became red at his turn.

"I'm really sorry, [name]-san! I did not mean to eavesdrop! Your voice was so mesmerizing and I just followed it without thinking!"

"I-it's okay," they answered. "I did not know they were still people at this time at school."

"I was practicing with my team and went to fill my bottle. That's when I heard your voice."

"Oh, right. You're in the volleyball team, am I right?" Asahi nodded with an awkward smile. He still felt bad for listening without their consent. "I heard you were qualified for the national. Congratulations."

[Name]'s voice was really low and shy, and they tried their best to keep eye-contact with the tall sports player in front of them. Asahi could not help but find it really cute. He smiled and acknowledged. "Thank you," he said. They stood in silence after that, looking away from each other. Asahi tried his best to find something to say but he did know what to do. At some point, he realized he still had training to do so he needed to go back. "I should probably go back. The coach will yell at him for taking so much time."

[Name] nodded with a grin. "It's for the best. Good luck with your training."

"Thank you and," he stopped, hesitant. He looked at their eyes and felt his heart beating loudly - he hoped [name] was not hearing it. "You really have a beautiful voice," he finally managed to say. It really meant it and [name] understood it as well. They felt a pang in their chest and smiled with a huge blush on their cheeks.

"I-if you want, I could sing for you again," [name]'s voice was trembling as they suggested that. They were both blushing heavily at this point and they did not mind.

Asahi nodded. "I would love to."


I just got a PS4 so I might take longer than usual now to upload lol Between drawing and gaming, I don't always take the time to upload I'm sorry >->

The next one coming will be Tsukki! I'll try to finish this one off for next week! This one was rather short so I'll do a longer one next time!

Stay safe indoors and take care of yourself and loves one <3

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