Chapter 22-Back On Track

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"Vangeance ..!!" Yami shouts withdrawing his katana.

"A pleasure to meet you, Yami Sukehiro .... I am Licht ..... William is sleeping ..."

"Huh! Made up your mind, huh....?!"

"This is ....!!" Marx panics. "This isn't supposed to happen ....! Lord Julius is .... This is ....!"

"The Hell're you doin', Marx!? Get a medic!! Hurry up and call old man Owen, you dumb ass!!"

"Yes sir!!" Marx runs for help.

".... It's useless .... This man is already dead ....! He protected the humans of this country until the very end .... I respect you, Magic Emperor Julius Novachrono."

"... But ...," Lunalia spoke up with a frown as she balls her fists making another appearance she had merely left as the battle commenced then reappeared on her own. This is my fault Nurren. We need to fix it. Where is that journal.

"Lord Licht!!" Valtos calls out to him.
"But we will never understand one another ...... Ever again," 'Licht' says then leaves through the rift as Lunalia steps aside from Yami's attack.

Darkness Magic: 'Dark Cloaked' Dimension Slash

"Nurren you let this happen," Yami tsk readying another attack.
"She's not awake .... We're helping no one and I was a prize of a losing battle. I am even more certain now that you humans will win this battle yet again," Lunalia stated as if it were obvious. Her orange eyes glistening as if they were made of glass tears edge their way to the surface. "Nurren please stop the water. We won't suffer for much longer."

Let me say goodbye please

"Very well if that is what you wish," Lunalia sighs wiping the liquid away as her eyes fade back to purple another voice takes over. "Goodbye uncle Julius. We will meet once more."
With that she quickly leaves through a portal only to reappear in front of her children. "You have her journal. That's for me."

"We can help," Amias stood though frowned uncertainty evident on his face as clear as day. "We know what the others are up to. We want to help." He spoke as Amyas revealed a page in the journal they took.
"You two think the mana induced coma was their decision don't you?" Lunalia smiles then with a heavy sigh shakes her head as if fighting control as one of her eyes flicker violet.

"Your telling me .... That ..... This was her choice ....."

"Your mom .... She's the most selfless person I know," Lunalia sincerely smiles at the twins. " .... Nurren ..... Would you like ..... For us to bring them ..... To that place?"

Please .... Show them where it is

"The lab? Are you sure about this Nurren?" Lunalia spoke outloud. ".... Suppose it makes sense since we won't be able to witness their grimiores. Time sure loves us."
"M-Mom," Amias steps forward with Amyas holding an arm out a good distance from Lunalia.
"Boys get away from her. Lunalia is in control," A panting Amberley stumbles forth with an injured arm.

"Rejection is your forte .... Mine not so much Soror (Sister)," Lunalia gains full control once more as she snickers pulling the twins into her arms. "I made a deal .... With your sister .... They will be protected from this mess as well as the rest of you. Gather Zephyren and the others." She takes the journal from Amyas then summoning mana infused skeletal remains they tear the cover off.

As if swimming in mid air the mana takes the form of a red spiral from the particles of the cover. "Th-This .... This is ....," Ley's eyes widen at the small marble. Lunalia nods twitching as one of her eyes turn a dark shade of violet.
"Our map of the tunnels .... The one you used to tell us about from your dreams .... We made it a reality Soror," Nurren close eyes smiles. "Take the civilians there. We will meet again we assure you. Evacuate the civilians now before its to late."

Barely given time to awe the phenomenon Amias and Amyas are hoisted up into Lunalia's arms.
"...... Sœur attendre (Sister wait)!" Ley cries out as a rift opens turning to face her Lunalia nods.
"Jusqu'à ce que le cœur s'arrête (Until the heart stops)," and for a flicker Nurren goes in control. "J'adore ma famille. Plus je vous retenir (I will always love my family. No more will I hold you back)." With that the three are gone leaving Ley to cry out to the ground in frustration and confusion as her mana boosts.


"Amore!" Dahliana calls out reaching a hand out to her sister.
"Dahli wait!" Amore pulls her sister and herself out of the way of a mage.
"Amore we need to save Captain Mereoleona. Th-," Dahliana shakily collapses to the ground being entangled in the floral vines that once lingered in her hair. Before Amore could step in it dissolves into air as Amore's mana spirals forth into shades of blue then with a forward slash morphs into circular motions much like the ocean waves. Gentle yet intimidating.

"Flor ..... Foram-se embora (The flowers .... They're gone)," Dahliana shook at her undone braid. "A mana dela .... O nosso mana .... Sinto .... Diferente (Her mana .... Our mana .... It feels .... Different)." Slowly growing in control of their mana the two help each other stand. "Como se nos tivessem tirado pesos dos ombros .... Achas que ela passou este tempo todo?... Ela tinha uma ideia do que aconteceria (Like weights were lifted off our shoulders .... Do you think this whole time she .... She had an idea of what would occur)?"

Nodding Amore frowns. Her elder sister may have spoken let to others about the topic, but Ley had spoken fragments to her. "Temos de a encontrar. Nurren precisa de nós (We have to find her. Nurren needs us)." Amore takes Dahliana's hand. A paper lantern reveals a hyperventilating Ley with Zephyren.

"Oi .... Ley ... Re-"

"Amore .... Lunalia ..... Nurren .... Elle .... Ils ont pris Amias et Amyas avec eux (Amore .... Lunalia ..... Nurren ..... She .... They took Amias and Amyas with them)," Ley manages to speak up as Rodia, Zarya, and Daira look away guilt ridden. "Dahli s'il te plaît dis-moi que tu peux les trouver (Dahli please tell me you can find them)?"

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