"Where was he shot?" You ask.

"He was hit twice. Upper leg and just above the hip bone. No one is sure of any damage that's been done yet, but they say he's loosing a lot of blood fast. The ambulance had just got there and he had to hang up. Thomas was already passed out from shock. Iris, he doesn't look too good. Dylan's taking care of him until you get back. Dylan would've taken that bullet for Thomas if he could have. We all know that Dylan would have."

People mutter agreements, but it doesn't make you feel any better. It makes you feel worse. It makes you feel guilty, because as much as you love Dylan, you kind of wish he was the one who'd gotten the bullet, instead of Thomas.

You rest your head against the window, taking deep breaths, "I've got to get to him."

Sidney looks at you, "What about Percy's wedding?"

Percy's wedding.

He's your cousin. You should to to his wedding.

But Thomas is your husband.

For better or for worse.

In sickness and in health.

You don't answer. You don't have an answer. Either way you're going to feel guilty.

And honestly you don't want to give an answer.

You just wish this whole thing hadn't happened.

You continue to look out the window, cars passing by.

Juliette speaks for you, "We'll just have to see what happens."

You haven't heard Thalia speak since before you answered the phone. You know she's drunk, but you still wonder what she thinks about all this. You glance at her and find her passed out in the car.

Well, I guess she's not too affected by any of this.

But she might be in the morning.

- - - -

You walk into Percy's house and run into your bedroom that you'd been using while staying here.

You hear your sister call your name, "Iris!"

You choose to ignore her.

Grabbing all of your things, you stuff odds and ends into your suitcase, quickly zipping it up and tugging it back down stairs. You pull it into the living room, where Kit and Juliette stand talking in hushed voices. Sidney and Thalia are missing. You're guessing Sid took her to her room to put her in bed.

Juliette and Kit look up at you, eyebrows raised. Juliette steps forward, "Iris, think about this-"

"I've thought about it. I gave it a full two seconds consideration, which is way more than I should have given." You say quickly.

Juliette sighs as you walk over to Percy's laptop, muttering, "I've got to change my flight."

You quickly pull up the Airports web sight and find their number.

You dial it, your fingers trembling. A desk manager picks up after two rings.

You quickly say, "Hello, I need to change my flight."

"When to?" The desk manager asks, bored.

"When's the next flight to Louisiana?" You ask.

The desk manager pauses looking at the flights, "Tomorrow evening. Five o' clock."

You blink.

Tomorrow evening?

You can't wait that long.

Jumping on the Train (Thomas Sangster fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now