"That's good" Alleigh said.

I heard someone creeping behind us. I could already tell who it was.

"Morning Kiara" I said.

"Dammit" Kiara disappointedly said.

Kiara walked around the table and sat down in front of us. She bit into her green apple.

"I love green apples" Kiara said.

Alleigh and I looked at each other and smiled. We somehow let out a small laugh. Kiara looked confused at what we were laughing about but she didn't ask.

I heard someone walking into the STEM room. They had loud steps. I turned around and I saw Mr. Harris looking around the STEM room. He locked eyes onto me and used his hands to signal me over.

I slowly let go of Alleigh and she took her head off of my shoulder. I stood up and pulled my shirt down.

"Where are you going?" Alleigh asked.

"I don't know. Mr. Harris wants me. I'll be back" I said.

Alleigh and Kiara nodded as I stepped out of the seats and I walked down the hallway towards where Mr. Harris walked. I saw Mr. Harris standing with the other year level leaders. There was a new year twelve leader, because of Jesse. I've seen him around before but I didn't know his name. 

"I want extra caution. All of the guards will be set on duty for the entire day" Mr. Harris said.

"What about breaks. They can't just guard for hours on end" the new year twelve leader said.

"We can swap the guards around every few hours. Is that good enough for you? When I ask you to do something I expect you to do it" Mr. Harris said angrily.

He didn't seem like himself after Jesse. He might be freaking out about cutting his arm off. Maybe he feels guilt that Jesse died.

Mr. Harris started walking away. But the year nine leader, Jia, stepped forward.

"What about the rationing? Are we running out of food?" Jia asked.

Mr. Harris stopped in his tracks. He slowly turned his head and faced us.

"That's not your concern" Mr. Harris said walking away.

Everyone walked away except for me. I stood there watching Mr. Harris slowly walk down the hallway. He's changed a lot. I hope he gets his act together.

I slowly turned around to walk back to the STEM building. I walked down the quiet hallway with students sitting on the ground together and talking. I walked past room twenty three. I heard someone struggling inside. I stoped and walked in. It was Ms. Haywood using the boom box. She looked up and saw me.

"I can't find any radio stations. There's nothing" Ms. Haywood said.

I nodded and I sat down on a chair. Ms. Haywood looked at me and knew something was up. She sat down in front of me and looked at me. 

"Everything ok?" Ms. Haywood asked.

"I don't think Mr. Harris is taking this too well. He's changed. He isn't the same anymore" I said.

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