Chapter 28

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"Arman. Our Safe Zone was overrun by Walkers. Thanks to Thomas and Heath. We need to attack now. Get your men ready. We'll see you at the welcome sign going into Mount Barker" I said on the walkie talkie.

"Gotcha" Arman said.

"Anthony. We need you now. Get your men ready. We'll meet at the welcome to Mount Barker sign" I said on the walkie talkie.

"We'll be there" Anthony said.

After a few hours everyone arrived except for the Bridge. I walked up to the highest point to look over everyone.

"I know you may think that it's a bad decision to follow a fourteen year old into war, but if you think about it, it's not that bad. We all have something in common. Both Thomas and Heath has killed our people. We can't stand by and let them terrorise us anymore!" I said.

I looked around at the crowd of people. We had a large group of people. I think we could win. I think it could be possible at least.

"The Bridge may not be here, but we don't need them. I didn't know that Adelaide Oval had this many people. If you don't know the plan, listen up! We will split up into four groups. Group one will go in from the front. Ana will walk up to the gate. Snipers with silencers will take out the guards. Once the guards are down and the gate is open Group two and three will come in and attack from the east and west side. Stay quiet, don't get detected. Once we take as many people out as possible Group one will run in and take the rest of the community. Group four is me. I will go in first and investigate the area. I will find where Thomas and Heath are. When you hear one press on the walkie talkie group one should attack. Got it" I said.

I walked down the mountain and walked with Groups two and three. We walked up to our positions. I looked over the fence and got ready to jump over. There was no one around so I jumped over. I ran behind a building. I looked around and saw the prison. I pressed the walkie talkie button once for Ana to come in. I saw everyone jumping the fences. I quickly ran towards the prison. Above the prison was where Thomas slept. I ran into the prison and I was just about to go upstairs when I heard people crying in the cell. I stopped and turned around. I looked in the cell and saw that it was Hunter, Anastasia, Stella, Frances, Elara and Megan.

"Guys?" I said running to the cell.

"Sam!" Hunter said.

"What are you doing here?" Anastasia said.

"We're here to kill Thomas and Heath. I thought you guys were dead" I said.

I looked up and saw Hunters face turn from being happy to see me to being worried.

"Look out!" Hunter said.

I turned around. I saw a fist coming for my face. I fell to the floor. It was Thomas.

"Hey there" Thomas said.

I quickly grabbed the walkie talkie but Thomas grabbed it off of me and threw it away. It rolled close to the cell. I looked over and saw Megan holding it. I hand gestured her what to do. She pushed the walkie talkie once and then put it onto the ground again. I gave her the thumbs up as Thomas punched me again.

"You think you can kill me. A teenager. Ha" Thomas said punching me again.

"No I don't think I can. But. If I have friends then it is possible" I said.

I started to hear shooting from all over the place.

"Shit what the fuck" Thomas said.

As he was distracted I quickly grabbed my revolver he threw across the room and aimed it at him.

"Ha Ha. Do you really think you can pull that trigger" Thomas said.

I aimed at his stomach.


"Argh" Thomas fell onto his knees as blood spat out of his mouth.

"You killed my friend. Her name was Kiara. You didn't even know her and you just killed her. For no fucking reason. For that you deserve to die. A slow, slow death" I said.

I took the keys from the table and opened up the cell.

"Screw you" Thomas said.

"Why don't you do me a favour and tell me where Heath is" I said.

"Fuck.... you" Thomas said.

"Fine. Then do me another favour, stay here for me will you" I said walking out of the prison with my friends that Thomas locked up.

"You can't just leave me here to die! This place is the future!" Thomas said.

I stopped at the door.

"With Ana in charge it will be. But with you in charge. It was no where near" I said walking out.

We were out in the open. I saw dead bodies all around us. I saw Jeremy from Adelaide Oval walking up to me.

"We killed everyone, except the innocents" Jeremy said.

"Good" I said.

I picked up the walkie talkie.

"Arman we did it. Thomas is dead. I don't know the death count yet" I said.

"Ok, keep in touch with me please" Arman said.

"Will do" I said putting the walkie talkie onto my belt.


A bullet came flying past me. I looked around to see where it came from.


That's when I saw a flash up in one of the watch towers. I aimed at the person. I then saw who the person was. It was Cordillia, Mabel's friend. The one who patched me up. I closed my eyes and shot her. I didn't want to kill her. But the bullets were coming too close to my people.


She fell from the watch tower and landed on the bottom of it.

"Sam?" Elara said.

I turned around and looked at Elara. She was holding onto her stomach. She must of been shot by Cordillia. Elara fell to the ground. I ran over to check her pulse. But that's when in the corner of my eye I saw Alleigh fall onto the ground as well.

"No" I said.

I checked for a pulse on Elara. There was none. She was dead and there was nothing I could do, and now Alleigh was dying as well. I checked Alleigh's pulse. She still had a heart beat. But it was faint. I saw Ana running over.

"Elara doesn't have a pulse. But Alleigh's losing blood, quickly!" I said trying to hold back my tears.

"Take Alleigh to the hospital here. Follow me" Ana said.

I picked up Alleigh and followed Ana to the hospital. I ran in and put her onto the bed. Luckily the doctor was still there.

"What do we have here?" The doctor said.

"She was shot in the shoulder area. She's lost a lot of blood" Ana said.

"I'm going to need some space. Can you please move out. What's your name?" The doctor said.

"I'm.. I'm Sam" I said.

"Ok, I'll try my best Sam" The doctor said as I walked out of the hospital.

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