Chapter 17

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It was a clean cut. Stella's arm was completely cut off in one chop.

"Quickly give me any rags you have" I said.

They all quickly looked through their bags and then handed me rags and small towels. I wrapped it around Stella's arm. The rags and towels were quickly all soaked in Stella's blood.

"Is she alive?" Anastasia asked.

"She's fine. She's just unconscious" I said.

"You said that you have a Safe Zone?" The survivor said.

"We used to. We were attacked and we were forced to leave. Right now we are heading to another Safe Zone we know of. You guys can tag along if you want to" I said.

"Yeah. That would be great we're looking for a place to stay. We have a van we can get there faster" The survivor said.

"Ok, I'll just go get my other people" I said.

Matthew and I quickly ran back towards Alleigh and Kiara. I saw a dead Walker next to them. But Kiara was now awake.

"You feeling better?" I asked.

"Yeah" Kiara said.

"So the people we just found are willing to drive us to Tungkillo. That girl I saw at the supermarket. She's one of the group members" I said.

"Really? What a coincidence" Alleigh said surprised.

We all walked over to the survivors as they all were putting their things into the van.

"We ready?" I said.

"Yeah" The survivor said.

"What's your names by the way?" The survivor asked.

"I'm Sam. Over there is Alleigh, next to her is Kiara and next to her is Matthew. What about you?" I asked.

"I'm Josh. The quiet one over there is Hunter. That's Anastasia. And you've already meet Stella" Josh said.

"Let's get going. Stella is starting to lose a lot of  blood!" Anastasia shouted.

We all hopped into the van. I sat next to Hunter hoping I could talk to her.

"Where to?" Josh asked.

"Tungkillo" I said.

"Where the hell is that?" Josh asked confused.

"Just go towards Murray Bridge. Then we can follow the signs" I said.


I looked at Hunter.

"How did you get here?" I said.

"I don't want to talk about it" Hunter said.

"All I care right now is that you made it out alive" I said.

"Not all of me did..... How did you get away from those guys?" Hunter asked trying to change the subject.

"I had to kill them. They killed one of mine" I said.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't of ran away. But thank you for killing them" Hunter said.

"Why?" I said.

"My brother, my mum and I were captured by them and we were tortured and abused. Mum was raped. But about three weeks after being captured they killed my mum and my brother. They kept me alive for some reason. But I know they were going to kill me. That was when you came. You gave me confidence to escape. So thank you. You got revenge on my mum and brother. I'm sorry for your lose. What was her name" Hunter said.

"His, name was Jia. We recently lost another. A teacher that lead our old Safe Zone" I said.

"A teacher? Where you in some kind of school or something?" Hunter asked.

"We were" I said.

"Hey. Sam! If this place is for real, and if Stella lives, than I will give you a big, sloppy kiss, right on your cheek. Sorry Alleigh" Anastasia said smirking.

"What do you mean sorry?" Alleigh asked confused.

"Aren't you guys together? I can see it in the way you look at each other" Anastasia said realising she may of screwed up.

"Oh. No were not together. I think it would be kind of weird if we did get together. We are more like family then friends" Alleigh said.

"Oh, well I guess you won't be jealous when we get to this place" Anastasia said.

"Well your gonna have to get your cheeks ready Sam. Because we are here" Josh said.

I stood up and opened the back of the Van.

"Is this it?" Josh asked as he stepped out of the van.

"Yeah. This is it" I said looking around.

There were fences up around two houses. The fences was surrounding my step sisters house and also my step sisters friends house, Elara. There were two cars out front of the gate, with spikes pointing out of them. Each spike had blood and fabric from clothing on it. I walked up to the gate and took out my hatchet. I started to knock my hatchet against the gate.

"Who are you!?" A stranger said pointing a spear at us.

We all put our hands in the air.

"Were here to see my step sisters and my dad" I said.

"And who are your step sisters?" The stranger said.

"Mabel and Frances" I said.

"What's your name?" The stranger said taking off her scarf which covered her face.

"Sam" I said.

"Ok. Come on in" She said.

She opened the gate. We all walked in.

"So where are they?" I asked.

"She's over there in the second house" She said pointing to Elaras house.

"Ok, thanks" I said running to Elara's house.

I walked in and saw Mabel and Frances both sitting on a table. When I walked in they both turned around and looked at me. Mabel still looked the same. She was around my height but she was a year older then me. She had straight brown hair that goes down to her neck. Whenever she smiled she would have large dimples. Frances was my age. She had brown hair that was in a pony tail, and she was taller then me.

"Sam! You're alive!" Mabel yelled.


"We were attacked not too long ago. By this big group of people. They drove through our fences with two rigged vans. The back of the vans both opened and a few Walkers came out, but then at that moment. We were screwed. I looked down the road and saw a massive horde of Walkers. Most of us who are alive today all hid under the house. That's when we saw this group come in and they started shooting at any people trying to make a run for it. They cleaned up a bit and then led the horde of Walkers away" Mabel said.

Alleigh, Kiara, Matthew and I all sat still listening to Mabel talk about the attack on Tungkillo. It sounded exactly like how we were attacked. We all looked at each other.

"We were attacked exactly the same way. I don't know, but we might of been attacked by the same group" I said.

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