Chapter 2

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"Let us in!" An angry parent yelled.

"Please we cannot allow you anywhere near your children. Educational departments across Australia have all been told to lock down. No one can enter, no one can leave" Mr . Harris said.

All the parents were shaking the fence violently trying to push it down to get through. They were all going crazy. They wanted their children. It made me feel kind of sad.

"We just want our children! This is illegal! You can't do this! Open the fucking gates!" Another parent yelled.

I could see the anger in his eyes and the pure frustration he had. He really wanted his kid. But Mr. Harris is right. If we don't want this to spread we are gonna have to stay away from others for a little while.

"Come on, you know that what we are doing is for the wellbeing of you, of your child and of others. Your children are safe here! We have plenty of food, water, supplies, we have everything here. You just need to trust us!" Mr. Harris yelled.

I looked down the gate at all the parents. They all started trying to call to their children. A few of them ran over to their parents but a lot of them stayed back away from them. Of course my dad wasn't here. My dad would never be this emotional to get me back. He's not like that. He wasn't always the best father, but he was worse after the accident, after my mum died.

"Hey step away!" Ms. Haywood yelled at a student hugging their mum behind the fence.

"Please do not make any contact with your child! Please leave now, or else we will have to call the Police!" Mr. Harris yelled.

"We don't care! Let's us in you old hag!" A parent yelled.

I looked over and I saw Alleigh and Kiara with their parents. They were crying, hugging their parents.

"Screw this!" A parent yelled.

He started trying to climb the fence. He got to the very top when Mr. Harris ran over to get him off.

"Stop! Get down now!" Mr. Harris yelled.

It was scary. All the teachers ran over trying to push the parent back over. A lot of parents tried to climb over, a lot of them couldn't. But about three of them were able to get to the top of the fence. That's when I started to hear screaming.

I looked over and I saw one of the parents being bitten by a man. The parent was shaking their arm up and down trying to make the person lose their grip. They wouldn't let go. It was like a dog holding onto a bone.

Suddenly people pulled the man off of the parent as the parent quickly held their arm. There was blood running down their arm.

"Mum!" A student yelled.

People tackled the man down who bit the parent as her son ran up to the fence to see if she was ok. I looked at the man. His eyes, they didn't look normal. He had blood dripping out of his mouth from biting the parent and was trying to bite the others holding him down.

I was shocked at what I was witnessing. I was just standing still watching this all unfold. This virus is changing people. It's making people go crazy.

Everyone looked down the road as we herd a loud noise roaring down the street. It was a car speeding. The car was going fast. The car sped down the road past us. The car had luggage all packed on top of the car and inside the car.

I focused back on the struggling parents. That's when I saw the man being held down bite another parent. The parent let go of him as everyone lost grip of him and he got up. All the parents were trying to push him away from them. But one parent pushed him into another parent. That's when the man bit at his neck.

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