Chapter 1057-1061

Start from the beginning

The Elf Prince's hands gradually became sharp claws, and fangs appeared in his mouth. His blood-red eyes became even redder, and he gave off a chilling blood-red light. His blood-red hair madly grew until it reached his hips.

Seeing this, Zhao Fu withdrew the sword and the wound quickly healed, forming a blood-red sword mark on the Elf Prince's chest.

The Elf Prince respectfully knelt on the ground and called out, "Owner!"

Zhao Fu gave a satisfied smile. He had planned to do this to the Elf Prince from the very beginning - after all, if he wanted to steal his Kingdom and make it Great Qin's, he did not need anyone to agree.

As such, Zhao Fu needed to fully control him; only then would he obey Zhao Fu and serve him without betraying him.

The Elf Prince was only halfway into Sword Obsession; Zhao Fu would not allow him to fully fall because he would lose all of his reason and become a monster that only knew how to kill. Even though Zhao Fu would be able to control him, he could not act as a puppet King.

Following this, Zhao Fu had the Elf Prince go back and wait for the next step of Zhao Fu's plan, which was to naturally take the throne. Many people disdained the Killing Sword Elves, so if this Elf Prince became the King, there would be a lot of opposition.

Moreover, there were a few other Princes in contention for the throne, making this Prince have even less of a chance. What Zhao Fu was going to do now was clear out all obstructions.

The first thing to do was to assassinate the elderly King.

Zhao Fu was currently waiting for a good opportunity because he could not act too overtly. He could not do it within the Royal City because it would attract too much attention, and there was a high chance of failure. After all, the Royal City was where all of the Nation Fate was gathered, and the King had a lot of Fate and a Fate Dragon. If the King was in danger, they would automatically protect him.

As such, Zhao Fu had to wait for a good opportunity, which was when the King left the Royal City. He could not stay there forever.

Half a month later, Zhao Fu finally found an opportunity. The King brought some people to take a last look of his territory with his own eyes before choosing a successor to take the throne.

After they went through the sixth region, Zhao Fu could not wait anymore and directly acted. He had first set up an Advanced Isolation Barrier nearby to delay any reinforcements and then directly attacked.


Zhao Fu held the Death Disaster Sword and slashed out with his full power from the side. A flood of deathly qi rushed towards the resting army.

The army did not panic, as they were all Elites of the Full Moon Kingdom. They all gave off auras, trying to stop the incoming deathly qi. However, the deathly qi was unexpectedly powerful, inundating the Elites and devouring their life force.

The expressions of the experts that the King had brought fell, and they also released powerful auras, trying to dissipate the massive amount of deathly qi.

At that moment, Zhao Fu suddenly made a move on the elderly King. Because the King was quite old, his reactions were quite slow. He was directly bound by Zhao Fu's chains, making it impossible to use even his Nation Armament.

The King's eyes were quite hazy as he looked at Zhao Fu and asked, "Who sent you?"

Zhao Fu did not waste any words with him because time was running out, and he directly killed him. He took the King's Seal and quickly left.

Soon, news of the King being assassinated spread throughout the entire Full Moon Kingdom. Everyone was incredibly shocked - a King had died just like that.

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