Chapter Fifteen

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I get into Carlys house and I take a deep breath. She was no where to be found. She was probably helping the others take care of... Sarah.
She's dead.
No, I can't think about this right now. I need to do something. I throw on my apron, and hurry down to the diner. I need to work.
I immediately grab the coffee pot ignoring the other workers. I walk to the first table and pour coffee in a older woman's cup, she says, "Thank you." And I simply nod and walk to the next table.
"Can I help you with anything?" When the girl looks up I freeze. "Sarah?"
The girl gives me a weird look and says, "Um, no ha I'm Emily."
"I-I'm sorry... you look like someone I know." That's when it dawns on me once again, "Knew... someone I knew." She laughs and says, "I guess I just have one of those faces, and no I'm fine thank you." I nod and slowly back away from the girl.
This won't work. I take off the apron, and hurry towards the basement door. I just need to work out that will help.
I close the door, and immediately go to the punching bag. Not even bothering to wrap my hands in tape I hit it hard.
Sarah's dead.
Music, I need music to drown out the thoughts. I run over to the speaker and plug my phone in putting it on shuffle. The music blares through the room drowning any thoughts I have out. I run back over to the the bag and I go over Damiens words in my head.
Left, right, kick.
Left, duck, uppercut.
Kick, grab, knee.
Right, elbow, duck.
Left, left, right.
Block, duck, uppercut.
Elbow, kick, duck.
I start to feel burning as my hands bleed, the vampire blood heals it quickly.
Duck, drop, leg swipe.
Looking over I see the human version of a punching bag. Even better. Walking over to that I pull my shirt off so I was in my sports bra.
Left head shot,
Right head shot,
Right sternum shot,
Right head kick,
Combo rib kick.
Sarah's dead.
This isn't fucking working.
I go to the wall of weapons and I pick up the long wooden baton. Watching my foot placement I start rapidly assaulting the mannequin.
Sarah's dead.
With an angry huff I chuck the baton at the wall. None of this is working. "FUCK!" I yell angrily.
Suddenly Carly grabs my arm, I turn and look at her, "What!" She sighs shaking her head, "Don't take your anger out on me. There is someone here to see you."
Sighing I say, "Who?"
She gives me an odd look, "He says he's your father."
My glare goes deadly, "If that was your attempt of making a joke about my dead father not fucking funny."
Looking offended she replies, "I would never fucking do that. He said he was your father, I'm sending him down."
                I was ready to rip someone's head off. What kind of sick joke was this.
                "Layla... we think you might be adopted."
                 No there's absolutely no way. The stairs creak and then a man appears in front of me. My heart nearly drops in my chest as I see the uncanny resemblance.
                "Hello Layla, did I get you at a bad time?"
            Sarah's dead.
                 Give the guy a chance, he may not have been in your life but he obviously cares enough to make an appearance now.
                "No, I was just getting a work out in. Your name?"
                He sticks his hand out and says, "My names Casias, friends call me Cas. You must know by now that I am your birth father. I don't expect any treatment that your father got. But I would like to be a part of your life."
                 I can respect that, he has excepted that he will never replace my father but would like to step up in my life that is respectable.
                 "I'm Layla, and thank you I respect that. And my birth mother?"
                He pauses for a moment and replies, "She has passed on. Died during your birth. You look much like her. Carly said you are living here?" I nod simply.
               Smiling he replies, "That's good, our families have always had a great trust in each other. She will do well to keep you safe."
              My eyebrows furrow and I say, "What do you mean our families? You know Carly personally Are you a hunter?"
              He chuckles and says, "No no no. Carlys family is not just hunters. Their heritage is deeper than that, they are called custos, meaning guardians in Latin . They are protectors. It makes sense that you were drawn to eachother. No I am not a hunter, but we've always had a Custos near your kind."
           Sarah's dead.
             God why can't I fucking stop thinking about it!
          "My kind? What do you mean my kind."
          Sighing he says, "It's not for me to say, I wish I could tell you more but it's just not my place."
          Really? What kind of mind games is he playing, he obviously said that so I would ask the question yet he won't ask the question. But why?
          Suddenly my phone rings, Casias looks at me and says, "You're going to want to take that phone call. Your friends are in trouble."
          Taking his warning even though I don't know how he could possibly know that I pick up the phone.
              "Layla, we have a serious problem! Atlas went after the vampires! Sarah and him were together. He's going to get himself killed!" I watch as Casias walks up the stairs leaving me.
             "I know where he's going. I'll meet you there." I use the vampire speed to run out of there as fast as possible not caring if anyone saw. My brother is in trouble.
            I could head fighting as soon as I get near the door. I throw it open and walk in to see Atlas being held down by Demetrius. He was thrashing around and snapping his canines at him. "Stop!" All eyes turn to me. The 5 vampires smirk at me.
           "Let him go! We will leave I swear!" I hear the others rush in behind me.
            Demetrius smirks at me, "This would be your brother right, Layla?" I go to run forward but he yells out, "I will kill him if you even think about trying anything!"
           Atlas looks at me and I could see the hurt in his eyes. The heartbreak that I should be feeling as well. The rage that should be manifesting me. But I don't want to break down. Seeing the look in his eyes triggers something in me though.
            Sarah is really dead. My bestfriend is never coming back.
             I squeeze my eyes shut only for the images of her heart being torn out to flash in front of me.
           "Layla, tragic things happen sometimes but you can't keep self destructing!"
        "I know that Sarah but it hurts! It fucking hurts! They are both dead, that was Atlas and I's only family!"
          "I'm going to get you through this. I'm here for you. Now go say goodbye or you will regret it for the rest of your life."
         My parents funeral, she was the only person I would talk to.
           No I can't let this effect me right now!
             "He's cute don't you think?"
          "Layla, I have something to tell you. But please don't tell anyone else, I want to say it when I'm ready."
             I nod at her realizing her serious tone.
         "I'm gay, I don't think these guys are cute. I think she's cute." She points to a girl named Sydney. I was confused though I mean how many times must she have felt uncomfortable talking about how cute guys were with me.
         I hug her and say, "I love you the same Sarah, if you think Sydney's cute go get her, she'd be stupid not to feel the same."
         I snap back into reality and tears were pouring down my face. I hate this. Why is this all happening?
         Ezra smirks and says, "There is that pesky mourning Dé was talking about. It hurts doesn't it Layla." Damien growls behind me, "Don't fucking speak to her!"
         That doesn't stop her though as Ezra continues, "There's two things that can happen here. You can let me help you Layla, I can make it all go away, you'll feel so much better I swear. Or Dé will kill your brother which he has every right to."
        The tears don't stop flowing, "Why are you doing this? Why do you want to do whatever it is you want to do to me?!"
        Demetrius sighs, "Enough with the dramatics." He let's Atlas go abruptly, and stands up.
        He says, "That was my show of good will." The boys growl lowly behind me as Atlas walks back over to us.
        "Layla, we want to help you. That's all. You are the greatest pawn in this game. I don't want to be your enemy."
        Kade cuts him off, "Don't listen to him Layla!"
        Demetrius rolls his eyes, "You see that? They don't want you to succeed Layla! They sit there and cheer for you to win but secretly pray you fail. You want to hear the truth for once?"
        I nod slowly, but Damien grabs me pulling me backwards, "Were leaving. We aren't listening to this." I pull my arm away from him, what is he so afraid of me hearing?
       I walk over to Demetrius quickly, "Tell me!"
        He then throws his hands in the air, "You will awaken soon Layla, Ezra wants to help with the pain. She wants to take your pain away. That darkness you feel building inside yourself everyday, I know you feel it! Let her take it away before it's too late."
         Looking him in the eyes I say, "You can make it not hurt anymore? You can stop the darkness?"
         Carly grabs my arm, "You're not being serious right? You're going to let them do this?"
         Shrugging her off as well I say, "Some people would do anything to make the pain go away." 
         Looking at me like I'm crazy she backs up, "I can't watch this." With that being said she leaves.
         Kade says, "They killed Sarah! Have you fucking forgot that?" I glare at him, "Sarah killed her brother! One of us was bound to die! Before Sarah it was me! What's next huh? Is it going to be you Kade? I mean it was almost my brother! Or how about you Damien? Luca? Carly? They are telling us something bad is to come and I'm tired of feeling weak! If this can help me keep you all safe then yes I will do it! If it will make me be able to get out of bed everyday knowing Sarah is dead then YES!"
         Ezra smirks, "That's all that needs to be said." She speeds over to me and grabs me. The 3 other vampires hold Kade, Damien, Luca, and Atlas back. They fight hard but they couldn't get to me.
       Ezra grabs both sides of my head and looks deeply into my eyes, I watch in fear as her eyes turn into a deep purple.
       My body felt like it was burning. It felt like I was on fire from the inside out. "AHHHH!" I scream as it burns brighter. My limbs go weak but Demetrius holds me steady.
       With one last wave of unbearable pain she releases me. Out of breath herself she falls to the ground. Demetrius sits me on the couch. But everything felt fuzzy.
        "What did you do to her!" I hear Damien scream.
        Taking a deep breath in almost as if I hadn't been breathing I feel my body relax.

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