Chapter Six

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I hurry after Kade as he throws my bathroom door open. He takes a deep breath in and then looks at me, "Hey me, Cal, and Sarah are having a sleepover at Sarah's since her parents are out of town. Maybe a calm night will make you feel better."
With a shrug I say, "I mean I guess. But if I start getting weird just knock me unconscious." We both laugh at that, and then head to my room to pack my stuff.
We arrive at Sarah's and I found my mood lightening already. This will do me some good, being around the people who make me happy. We hop out of the car, and walk up to her door.
Before we could even knock Sarah pulls the door open hurrying us in. I didn't see the rush but whatever I guess. That's when I see Atlas. "Atlas what the hell are you doing here?"
He gives me an innocent look, "I had nothing better to do, and Kade said we're having a sleep over."
I narrow my eyes at my friends who were all looking at each Other nervously. "Atlas you're a horrible god damn liar. Tell me what's going on."
He then joins in with nervous glances. It was starting to get dark out now. That's when Atlas says, "Sis, it's a full moon tonight. We didn't want you to be alone and all freaked out in the house." I glare, "Are you serious? So this was some group effort on your crazy friend? Wow. I'd rather be alone then conspired against."
Cal sighs, "Were not conspiring we're just trying to keep you safe. With these delusions you could get hurt Lay. You're unstable!" I scoff, "Wow."
His eyes widen in realization, "No, Layla that's not what I meant!" He tries to grab my arm, and I throw his hand off. "No. It's fine. You said what you wanted to say. Now me and my fucking delusions are leaving." I turn and grab the door handle, but suddenly Kade grabs me pulling me away from the door harshly.
"Layla you have to stay inside!" His hold on me was like a boa constrictor. "Let me go Kade! I want to leave!"
That's when I felt Kade freeze. "It's here...." Everyone but never seems to know what that meant. "What's here! God what is wrong with you guys."
"Do not tell me to shh I-"
Kades hand clamps down on my mouth. Now I was pissed.
              I was going to thrash around some more when I heard a huge bang against the door. Everyone jumps back in fear.
              I knew I wasn't having a delusion because the look of utter terror on everyone's faces deepens when we hear a loud howl from outside the door. Suddenly Kade lets me go falling to the ground clutching his ears.
             I try to grab him to help him up. But as soon as I touch him he looks at me with blue shining eyes. I scream and jump away from him.
             That's when I notice Sarah in the same stance as Kade. I look at Atlas who then says, "Run!" Cal, Atlas, and I take off running.
             Oh my god this wasn't a delusion. I wasn't crazy. Sarah roars, and starts rushing after me. Hair grew around her face, and her eyes shined the same blue as Kades. Canines hung from her mouth, and her once well kept finger nails were long claws.
                 I scream as Sarah grabs my ankle. She pulls me down the steps I was so desperately trying to climb. But just as she pulls me to he bottom Kade tackles her into the wall. I couldn't grasp what the hell was going on. I watch frozen in fear as Sarah and Kade full out fight. Their Claws were slicing into each other recklessly, I saw Sarah get a good shot on Kade and cut open his chest causing Kade to throw his head back and roar.
                 When she looks at me, I and instantly running back up the steps. I heard a loud crash, and then I saw her chasing after me.
                She smashes into the wall trying to desperately get to me. I kick it into high drive and bolt into Sarah's room where Atlas held the door waiting for me to come. I rush in and they slam the door shut causing Sarah or whatever the hell she was to crash into the door.
                 "We thought you were right behind us!" I try to catch my breath. There was another road of pain from outside of the door and then more crashing. "We have to get out of here!"
               "How? He's right outside waiting for us. He's going to get her one way or another, Kade can only hold her off for so long. It's there first full moon and he's fighting his own urges!"
               "What the hell do you mean he's going to get her?" I yell out frantically. There was another crash outside the door. "He wants you, Layla."
              "Who! Who wants me?"
              "The Alpha."
              "What the fuck are you guys talking about!"
              "Sarah's going to kill him trying to get to her."
               They jump back into their own little conversation leaving me even more confused.
               "I know but we can't leave, what the hell are we supposed to do? I mean we don't even know what he wants from her-"
             We all suddenly scream as a hand plunged straight through the door. Wait....
            "Wait this is all about me?" Cal and Atlas hold the door.
            Cal says, "Yes.... And no. You're apart of it but we don't know how or why. But he wants you." That's when I say, "Then you need to move."
            "No don't worry.... We have a plan B." I raise an eyebrow and suddenly a rippling roar sounds from down stairs. I gasp, and Cal claps his hands together, "Let me introduce you to plan B!"
            There was fighting for a second before someone gets thrown through the door. I scream and jump out of the way. Sarah's body doesn't stop there, it bust straight through the window.
            That's when I see the man from Kades house walk in with the same canines and claws. I gasp as his eyes land on me. Before I could even think to move he picks me up throwing me over his shoulder.
            We suddenly stop, and I am dropped onto my butt. "What the hell!" The guy says, "You're welcome."
            Crossing my arms over my chest I say, "For what!"
             "I just saved your life."
              "I was doing just fine on my own actually." I knew that was a lie but my pride wouldn't let him win.
             "Oh yeah? Well maybe I should take you back then."
             My eyes widen, "Wait. I was right this whole time? You motherfucker! You all said I was crazy!" I laughs slightly and that causes me to lash out and start rapidly hitting him as hard as I could.
           That is until he catches both of my hands in his palms, and pins me up against an old abandoned barn.
           Both of us freeze due to the close proximity. "You're not scared, you're just mad?" He says slowly as if trying to understand.
           "I've been called crazy for my whole life, you think I'm going to be scared now that I'm right? And yes, I'm pissed, you all lied to me. I can't really blame you, you don't even know me. But the people closest to me were all lying to me. Making me feel crazy."
             He shrugs, "Yeah that makes sense." Suddenly a twig snaps in the distance. His head twists to the side and a worried look grows on his face. I say, "It's probably just a deer." He gives me a 'run' look. That's when he falls forward onto his face, and I see a man with dark brown hair with blood on his claws.
             He stabbed Luca.... Holy shit I'm next. I wanted to run away but I couldn't just leave Luca for dead.
            "Who the hell are you?" I say hesitantly.
            "My names Damien Black. And you my darling are my prize."

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