Chapter Fourteen

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          There was a mass of flying bodies as the man fought them off. Everyone was hurt. But I had managed to get enough strength to stand up. I grab the knife out from my boot just as he grabs Luca by the neck with claws pressed against his neck.
             "Enough! Will kill him!"
       I then yell out, "Fine! I'll go with you! Just don't hurt them!" He sighs with a small smile, "I'm glad we've come to an understanding. You will trade places with him, and we will walk out of here."
          I nod, "Okay just don't hurt him." I had the knife tucked under my shirt right on my stomach. The waist band of my pants held it in place. I walk slowly over to him and Damien croaks from the floor, "No Layla, stop, please don't!" I give him a shut the hell up look before I step right in front of the man. He throws Luca to the side, and immediately puts me in his place. "Walk!" He demand impatiently. I start taking slow steps forward.
           I have to stop this, I can't be the victim anymore, I have to save my friends even if it means I die.
           I carefully reach up and grab the knife that's when Luca says, "No, no, no! Layla don't!" I pull the knife out stabbing it into his stomach while twisting around to face him. He slices his claws through the back of my neck and I gasp in pain as we both fall to the floor. Time seems to slow down as I feel the blood spurt from my neck.
           Tears flood to my eyes as the pain was almost too much to bare. The man chokes on his own blood but doesn't hesitate to cut my neck deeper. I had already lost a lot of blood from the glass. I would no doubt be gone soon. The pain would end, and my friends would be safe.
             I fight to keep my eyes open as they grow heavier. Everyone is over to us in seconds. Carly pulls the knife from the mans side, and stabs him directly in the throat no doubt ending his life.
              I choke on the taste of metallic blood in my mouth. Damien hovers over my face as he presses his hands to the back of my neck trying to stop the bleeding. "No Layla! Keep your eyes open! You're going to be fine. I-I'm going to fix you." I choke more, and look up at him. I couldn't speak through the blood.
             "Layla tell me you want me to fix you. I'll do it but you have to tell me." I try to shake my head no but I cringe in pain. I don't want to be a werewolf. "Layla, you have to listen to me. Do not fall asleep."
            I tried, I really did, but I couldn't help the wave of exhaustion that hit me in that same second.
            "Layla you have to wake up, we never got over this fight. You can't die without us being best friends again. I'm sorry I really am, if we would have told you sooner you could have been better prepared. I don't want you to die because of me."
I could hear Kades voice but it sounds so far away.
        "I love you Lay, please wake up, we need you. All of us. I mean who am I going to make fun of for washing the dishes with gloves? I mean seriously Lay no one else does that."
         Atlas sounds so broken, his humor would go down until the end.
           "Come on babe, you're tougher than this. You better be kicking deaths ass right now. You can't be dying I mean I haven't even got to turn you gay yet."
       Sarah's tears drop onto my hand.
         "Listen here Jackass. You're going to wake up right now. Everyone's a wreck without you. You don't even have to forgive me, just wake up and call me a dumbass."
         I want to wake up and call you a dumbass so bad right now Cal.
         "We haven't even gotten the chance to fight for you, my love. It's too soon. You can't die yet, you just can't."
        I recognize Luca's voice automatically.
         "If you wake up right now I promise, I promise to god I will be nicer. I won't treat you like an object I swear. I won't make you do anymore push ups, seriously! It hasn't been long enough yet. I haven't got my time with you. We are just barely scratching the surface of what we have together."
        That might have been the nicest thing Damien could have said to me.
         "Shits getting really bad out here, Layla. Luca and Damien nearly killed each other today. But don't worry I kicked both of their asses and told them not in my diner. When you wake up I have to tell you about all the shit that's been happening."
        Carly I can't wait.
       I slowly pry my eyes open the light almost blinding me as I do. "Ugh. Fuck." My body felt stiff as I try to turn my head. No one was here. I slowly sit myself up, and groan. God my body is so stiff. Suddenly a doctor comes in, she jumps when she sees me up, "Oh my god you're awake! I better go tell your friends." She rushes out of the room. In seconds they all come piling in.
          They all run over and group hug me. I laugh hoarsely and say, "Geez guys, calm down. I just woke up." Sarah suddenly gives me a huge kiss on the lips, "I'm so turning you gay!" I wipe my mouth and playfully glare at her, "Never gonna work."
            "A girl could only dream."
           I then say, "Oh long was I out?"
            Carly replies, "Almost a month." My eyes widen, "Holy shit it felt like a couple of hours."
            Kade says, "Definitely wasn't. Can you please just forgive us already. We miss you."
             I sigh, "I'll think about it."
            They all fist bump besides Damien and Carly.
             "Can we like get me the hell out of here I hate hospitals."
             We get to Carlys house, and everyone piles into the apartment despite Carly's protests. We all take a seat at the dining table and Kade is first to talk, "As a part of you considering us being friends again, I want to give you full disclosure. Malcom is dead." I look at him oddly, "Who the hell is Malcom?"
            Kade face palms, "The guy who put you in a coma." Oh that makes sense.
             "What was that guys deal anyways?"
             Sarah shrugs, "He didn't say much about you besides that you would 'be able to fix him'." I give her a questioning look and she simply shrugs.
            I had so many questions I didn't know where to start, "Why was he like that? I mean he wasn't like you guys, he could turn into a full wolf. And his eyes?"
            Luca takes this question, "He's what is called a vargulf, it's our version of a lunatic wolf. He doesn't have any sense of right or wrong. He lost his human mind, and his wolf took completely over." My eyes widen in shock, "So he was just completely a wolf?"
            He nods, "Every ounce of humanity was gone. There is a number of ways that you could turn into one but it's still very very hard." I nod that kind of made sense.
            "So I was almost killed by an insane wolf guy?" They all nod. Great that's just great.
            "Okay, so he's dead. We have nothing to worry about now right?"
            Cal scratches the back of his neck and says, "Ehhh, not completely." I narrow my eyes, "What now?"
             Kade says, "There's a clan of vampires that have moved into town. I don't know what they want but they attacked Luca last night. He barely made it out alive."
             I shake my head, "Vampires? Are you serious?"
             Sarah nods, "Yeah, they are sexy as hell. But mean as fuck."
             "Great, where are these vampires. Carly why haven't you taken them out?"
             Carly sighs, "Vampires in clans are too dangerous to handle alone, just like wolves in a pack. I can call my family over if you want but I don't think you want that." Everyone yells, "No!" in unison. Carly laughs a little and shrugs.
            "We don't know exactly where they are they just keep popping up." Says Luca.
            Rolling my eyes I say, "Well how's my neck looking." I pull the bandages off and they all cringe a little bit. "Yeah thats not too pretty. But we already called Blaine he should be on his way over."
           "Who the hell is Blaine?" Luca says, "He's a healer. His family is a long blood line of healers. There was a knock at the door, and Carly opens it.
          A guy with light brown hair with a strong jaw line and sharp features walks in. Did everyone have to be drop dead gorgeous?
          "You must be Layla." He sets a brief case on the table, and opens it. It was full with little jars with liquids and dusts in them.
          He pulls out a small vial with a crimson liquid in it, "This, is vampire blood. It will give you the the properties of a vampire without becoming one. So expect healing, increased speed, heightened scented, all without the hunger a vampire normally feels. Unless you die in the next 24 hours you should be fine."
           I look at him oddly, "What happens if I die?" He looks at me like I'm stupid and says, "You become a vampire. So um, just don't die."
            He pops open the tab and says, "Drink." I cringe and say, "You want me to drink blood?"
             Rolling his eyes he replies, "Do you want to have ugly scars all over you back and neck?" I sigh heavily and take the vial. Plugging my nose I down it. But instead of it tasting horrible as I would have assumed it actually was delicious. I almost wanted more of it.
          I suddenly felt my wounds closing up. It felt like a bug crawling over my skin. I actually felt great compared to what I felt before.
          "My job here is done. Call me only if someone is dying or dead." With that he turns and leaves. Asshole much? Luca examines my neck and says, "It's completely healed."
           I nod with a smile, "I feel amazing! Like I could run a mile!"
           Cal gives me a nervous look, "You have to be careful, Lay."
            Rolling my eyes I reply, "Does anyone want to go do something fun?" They all look at me nervously.
            "Clearwater bridge. I want to go." Sarah's eyes widen in joy, "Oh my god are you serious? I've been trying to get you to go for years! Yes let's go!"
             Cal scratches the back of his neck, "I'm not really too excited about jumping off a bridge into unknown waters."
             Sarah rolls her eyes, "You'll be fine. People do it all of the time."
             Smiling I say, "You all have to come. I was almost dead. I deserve to feel alive. And we all deserve some fun after what we've been through."
             Damien narrows his eyes, "I'll have to pass. I have stuff to do." I glare at him and say, "No. You are coming. You can wait to do your stuff until later. This is a group activity. Everyone go grab your bathing suits, and we will meet there!"
      We pull up onto the bridge and park the car slightly off. I tug at my cheeta print bikini and hop out of the car.
Normally I wouldn't even think about doing this but with being so close to death, I want to live my life. I hurry over to the others and Cal was standing at the edge with fear evident in his eyes. I look down at the beautiful blue clear water.
It was a far jump but the fear that I would usually feel was no where to be found. That's when I see Damien with his swim trunks hanging low. I scan his body and lick my lips on instinct. He is beyond perfect.
That's when Kade, and Luca hope out of their car. My eyes nearly pop out of my head when did these boys get so built? They look like Greek gods.
That's when I see them all eyeing me up as well. I had more of a slender figure. My stomach was slim and built, while my bum and thighs were wider. My breasts were on the medium side. I knew I had a pretty good form but I've definitely seen better.
Damien and Lucas eyes flash red, and Kades flash blue when they see me. It brought a smile on my face. Maybe I'm prettier than I think. Cal turns on the radio in his car on full blast. Sarah, Carly, and I all dance around goofily to Young wild and free.
We all laugh and for the first time everyone had a smile on their face. That's when Kade runs forward with a battle cry he jumps off the edge of the bridge and plunges down into the water! We all look over the edge as he comes up to the surface throwing two thumbs in the air.
We all cheer for him as he swims to the shore. That's when Sarah runs to the edge and does a front flip. We all gasp, and watch as she successfully lands without belly flopping.
She then swims to the shore line. Damien sighs, "Fuck it." Before he sprints off the edge down of the bridge doing a double front flip. We all cheer as he goes down. Kade finally comes up onto the bridge soaking wet. Drool.
"Layla you go!" Sarah calls up. I go to the edge of the bridge and dive off without a second thought.
The feeling of falling is one that is hard to forget, we don't often fall by choice. Usually we get the feeling in dreams, or when we fall in love with someone. To let yourself fall is liberating.
When I hit the cool water my body seems to erupt in tingles. It felt great. I then quickly turn my body swimming up to the surface.
I see Cal standing at the edge as I climb out. He screams, "Holy shit!" As Sarah pushes him off the edge. He goes down flailing and then non gracefully he smacks his back off the water. "OOO"
After swimming around and jumping a bunch of times I decide to go for my last jump. It's been a great day filled with light moods and happiness. It was nice to let go. Everyone was packing up now as I stand on the edge. I suddenly felt something, it was like a cold feeling going through my body. It sent a shiver down my spine. I turn my head quickly just as a blur rushes towards me. I scream as I am tackled off of the bridge. It happened so fast. I smash into the water harshly.
I didn't get a chance to catch a breath. I open my eyes under water in panic and they burn automatically. I blink quickly trying to adjust fast as I was being pulled down deeper. My head felt like it was going to explode I kick manage to hit the person in the face by flailing around. They release me and I swim up to the surface as fast as I possibly could.
I break the surface and take a deep breath in before swimming as fast as I could to the shore line. I see the figure swim to the opposite side except when they were out of the water they disappear.
Looking up to the bridge I see Cal get kicked hard in the chest flying off the edge. He hits the water hard and doesn't make any move to swim back up. There was something happening up top but I couldn't let Cal drown.
I jump back in swimming quickly down to grab him. He sinks lower and lower. I reach out catching his arm, I then swim as hard as I possibly could towards the surface and the shoreline. I surface finally gasping a breath before I try to pull him up with me. I get his head above the water and quickly pull him to the shoreline.
He instantly starts throwing up water. I hear an ear piercing scream, and I turn on my heel. "Cal you need to hide." He nods and tries to stand up. I tap into the vampire speed, and hurry up to the top. As soon as I get to the top I see everyone being held down by people with black eyes.
Two of them hold Sarah while another one walks up to her, "I won't ask again. Where is she!"
I cry out as the woman walks towards Sarah.
"The one they call Sarah!"
Damien looks at me and shakes his head quickly, "Don't."
I look between them as she steps closer to Sarah, "I will kill her."
Without a second thought I say, "I'm Sarah!" She turns to look at me and scoffs, "No you're not."
I narrow my eyes at her, "I swear I am. I think I'd know the name given to me at birth!"
She looks at me again and her fangs come out. In a second she's in front of me. "If you're Sarah transform into your wolf."
Trying to think as fast I can I say, "I can't. I drank vampire blood to speed up my healing. Until it is out of my system I can't turn." She makes a weird growling noise then slices my hand with a weird knife. I gasp and she grabs my hand sniffing it.
"She definitely does have vampire blood in her system. You killed my brother you know? Blood must have blood."
I look at Sarah with wide eyes she killed a vampire?
"Take her. We will drain our blood from her system. Kill the rest." Everyone tries to move forward but that's when I pull the slickest shit possible. I disarm her knife, and without blinking I slice through her neck so deep it would take a while to heal. She gurgles and chokes on the ground. All of the vampires come rushing at me in a second. If the Vargulf didn't kill me, these guys sure would.
I was thrown off my feet and onto the ground in the blink of an eye. I get up in a blink due to the vampire blood coursing through my system. "LAYLA BEHIND YOU!" Sarah screams.
Turning quickly I round house kick a guy in the head sending him barreling through the dirt. They all seem to pause, "So you're not Sarah. I can smell the wolf on that girl, kill her!" Sarah starts fighting them off and the others join in. I run quickly over and tackle one to the ground. I through punches as fast as I can but he moves so fast I couldn't land one.
I am then thrown backwards into the railing of the bridge. I gasp as I feel the bones in my back snap. I twist my body at an odd angle not wasting any time and they heal back into place. That was until my heart stops dead in my chest.
One of the vampires plunges their hand through Sarah's chest making a disgusting sound. I scream out as he pulls her heart straight from her chest.
Everything seems to stop as they drop her dead body to the floor.
No. This can't be happening, she's my childhood bestfriend. She's helped me get through the death of my parents. I was the first person she care out to.
Seeing how distraught we all were over Sarah the vampires laugh before disappearing.
I run over to her quickly and so does everyone else. I couldn't feel anything I was too shocked to process no one says a word. Kade was the first to cry out. I couldn't help but feel numb as I stared at her lifeless body. There was a time when our lives weren't like this. Kade, Sarah, Caleb, and I were normal. Now everything had changed.
Rage builds up inside me. I will kill them. I breath in deeply using my stolen vampire sense, I catch a scent of them and in seconds I was sprinting. It felt almost as if I was flying.
I had finally come to a stop. It was a house, a huge house. I throw the door open in fury, and I see them all sitting around on a couch looking at me in shock. A twisted smirk plays on my lips as I say, "Was that fun for you? Did you enjoy killing her?" One stands to meet me a tall guy with jet black hair, he had deep blue eyes.
"We didn't take pleasure killing your friend. But blood must have blood." I clench my fists.
"You should leave before anymore damage is done. Mourn your friend." I laugh hysterically, "I don't have any mourning left in me." I run at the guy but before I could blink I was pinned to the wall with him looking at me lustfully.
I scream in anger and struggle beneath him. He looks at me thoughtfully, "You drank vampire blood, I was wondering why your scent was so confusing."
Without missing a beat I spit right in his face. Still holding my hands, he wipes the spit from his face. "She's feisty, just my type. Should I show her what we can do?" My eyes narrow as the other men say, "Yes! Have her put on a show Demetrius!" Suddenly his eyes shift to purple and I couldn't force myself to look away.
"Don't move yet darling."
His voice sounds like a melody in my head. He lets go of me but no matter how much I wanted to I couldn't move my body.
"Tell the truth darling, do you find me attractive?"
"Yes." I couldn't stop myself, what the hell is going on is he controlling me? I want to rip his fucking head off and I'm calling him hot?
"I can practically smell the innocence on you, would you give that innocence to me?"
No! He killed my friend my best fucking friend! I need to get out of here this wasn't a good idea!
"Do you want me to touch you darling? I can make you feel so good."
This disgusting pig. How dare he think he can lay his hands on me?
I try to keep my mouth shut, I try so hard that my teeth grind together. But it didn't help what came out next.
"I said do you want me to touch you?"
This time I couldn't hold back, "Yes."
In a second his hands were roaming my body, it shivers run straight down my body just by his touch. No I will not let this happen NO!
Breaking out of his trance I throw him across the room. Everyone gasps and stands up. No one moves as I go barreling at him just when he's in arms reach they grab me and hold me down. Demetrius walks over to me with a look of curiousity.
"You broke out of my affinity, but how?" He moves a piece of hair and tucks it behind my ear but I jerk my head away from him. A blonde haired girl says, "There's something special about her Dé, I'd love to help her progress!" Her eyes light up in a mischievous way.
Demetrius takes a step back thinking. Then he looks at me with calm eyes, "Darling, you have so much anger inside you. It's blocking your potential. Ezra can take it away, she can take away all of those pesky emotions. But only if you want."
I narrow my eyes, "You don't know shit about me! You killed my best fucking friend!" He rolls his eyes, "You're dealing with the supernatural love, all of your friends will die eventually. As will my clan. Leaders must make peace with that. You my darling, will be a leader."
Maybe I am in denial, I know he's right, I know eventually we will all die. New threats will come along, but I don't want to admit that I can't.
"You're telling me you can make me less angry. Less hurt." He smirks at me, "I can make it so you never have to feel that way again."
Glaring at him I reply, "Why would you help me. You don't even know me."
Shrugging he says, "Because one day you will help me. Mason has seen it."
I thrash my body around and they let me go. "How did you make me say those things. You said she has an affinity what is that?"
Ezra replies to this, "Our affinities are our gifts, being a vampire is a curse but it has its perks. I can erase emotions, certain events. Mason gets premonitions. Dé can control people's minds and bodies. So if he said orgasm let me just say-"
Demetrius cuts her off, "That's enough details Ezra. You're still in shock about your friend, in your mind she's still alive. When that reality hits, there's no telling the damage it will do to your mind. So let her take it away before it comes."
Why should I trust him? He just ripped Sarah's heart out in front of me as if it was nothing. But taking the pain away? That's something everyone dreams of. For it to just be gone....
"We would however want something in return."
There it is, "What?" Demetrius says, "Let us activate your transformation."
What transformation what the hell is he talking about?
"You're not human darling. It just takes a little something extra to prove it."
             Sarah is really dead. They really killed her. Now I'm sitting here entertaining their bullshit?
             "I think I would know if I had some kind of supernatural ability."
             Shaking my head I turn on my heel and run as fast as I could out of the room.

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