Chapter 1: Amira Likes Who?!?!

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Maysara's POV

"Maysara, wake up! You're late for school!!"

My mom bursted through the door to my room, ferociously waving my book bag in her right hand and my lunch in the left. I groaned and pulled my pillow over my eyes.

"Five more minuttessss", I said. I looked over at the alarm clock to see that it was 6:34.

"Yallah ya Maysara, get up already!" she said, pulling my blanket off my cold body.

"Fineee!" I groaned. I groggily got up and walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a dark eyed pale face in front of me. My hair was knotted and after a few attempts to untangle it, decided to jump into the shower.

I took a very quick shower, combed my hair, washed my face, brushed my teeth and made wudu all in under 10 minutes.

A new record I thought to myself.

The time was now 6:45. I put on a black maxi-skirt, a red blouse, a black jacket and a red hijab. I grabbed my things and, fortunately, made it downstairs just in time for my best friend, Amany, to show up at the front door.

I grabbed my things, a bagel with cream cheese, kissed my parents and out the door, I ran. I made it outside at 6:50, 40 minutes before class. Amany, who goes to the same college as I do, drives me every morning.

"Good morning, Macy! You look so cute today!" Amany said. In the midst of chaos, Amany has a way of making me feel 100 times better.

"Thanks, you too!" I answered.

The ride to college is only about 15 minutes. Mainly, we talked, ate and looked through our notes. When we finally got to school, Amany and I met up with our friends, Amira and Tesneem. We talked walked around until 7:30, when our first class began. Class went by fairly slowly.

I often zoned out and doodled on the side of my worksheets. As soon as I caught myself, I would snap back into reality and focus again.

After class, I met up with Amany, Amira and Tesneem for lunch. We went to a nearby café, Caribou Coffee, and we all bought a drink.

"I have some really big news!" Amira said to finally break the long awkward silences we often have.

"What is it?!", We all basically said in union.

"Well, remember Ameen, the boy from math class in 8th grade..? He likes me!"

We all squealed in delight, happy for Amira. We exchanged laughs, hugs, squeals and high fives. Amira has likes Ameen ever since they were little, and now, he has finally come to his senses.

"But", Amira continues, "I'm not exactly sure how to tell my parents that I want to get to know him..."

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