Chapter 10

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**3rd person's POV**

It's early in the morning, only Sokka and [Y/N] remain asleep as Katara and Aang get ready to take off "Wait till you see it Katara, the southern air temple is the most beautiful place in the world" Katara stopped for a brief moment "Aang..." she turns around and speaks in a sort of somber tone "I know you're excited but it's been a hundred years since you've been home" Aang continued tightening the rope on Appa's horn as he turned to Katara "That's why I am so excited!" she tilts her head a bit "It's just that a lot can change in all that time" He continued to smile as he practically floated down from Appa's head "I know, I just need to see it for myself" He approached Sokka's sleeping back "Wake up Sokka! It's air temple time!!!" He groaned at Aang "Sleep now, temple later" Sokka turned onto his left side, away from Aang, and started snoring again. Aang turned to [Y/N]'s spot to see her sleeping rather peacefully, if he wasn't so excited to get to the air temple then he would have let her sleep. If he were in the temple, he'd probably cover her in one of his spare blankets. "Come on, [Y/N]. Don't you want to see the temple again?" He gently shook her shoulder which caused her to groan lightly "It's too early Aang" he rubbed his chin then gasped and gestured Katara to come down "I got an idea" he handed her a small stick and pointed to [Y/N] before walking towards Sokka's sleeping back  and whispers "Follow my lead" 

"SOKKA! Wake up! There's a brickle snake in your sleeping bag!!!" He moves the stick along the sleeping bag to give him the impression of a slithering snake. Katara does the same along [Y/N]'s leg "[Y/N]! There's one on you!!!!" Sokka and [Y/n] lurched up from the ground screaming "Get it off! Get it off!!" Sokka ended up falling almost face-first into the ground and [Y/N] was able to spot the sticks in Katara's and Aang's hands before actually embarrassing herself "Great! Since you two are up, Let's go!" 

** Sometime Later**

Aang and [Y/N] sat on top of Appa's head waiting to see the Temple while Sokka and Katara sat in the saddle, Sokka held his growling stomach "Hey stomach, be quiet alright. I'm trying to find us some food" He turns and searches his medium-sized bag but there was nothing in it. He turns towards Aang and [Y/N] angrily "Hey! who ate all of my blubber seal jerkies?" Aang turned towards Sokka with a guilty face "Oh that was the food? I used it to start the fire last night... sorry" Sokka's eyes widened "You what?! No wonder the flames smelled so good" [Y/N] gasped and elbowed Aang's shoulder "Aang! It's the Patala mountain range!" He smiled at her excitedly "We're almost home, [Y/N]!" Katara moved closer to Appa's head while remaining on the saddle "Hey, guys, before we get there I want to talk to you about the airbenders" Aang raised his eyebrow a bit and spoke to her without turning his head "What about them?" She grew quiet for a brief moment "Well I just want you both to be prepared for what you might see... the fire nation is ruthless. They killed my mother... they could have done the same to the airbenders" Aang's face fell and [Y/N] didn't bother to say anything because she knew all too well that it is possible, not like she knew what to say to cheer Aang up. His face started to go back to his more chipper self as he turned to Katara "Just because nobody has seen an Airbender doesn't mean the fire nation killed them all. They probably escaped" She continued to look at him with a sad look "I know it's hard to accept" He smiled gently "You don't understand Katara the only way to get to an air temple is on a flying bison and I doubt the fire nation has any right Appa?" He gently pets Appa which caused him to groan back in response "Yip yip!" Appa got higher into the mountain, soon you could see the air temple easily because of the deep blue roofs of each building. [Y/N] smiles at the temple "there it is. The southern air temple." 

Katara's eyes were wide and full of wonder "Guys! It's amazing!" [Y/N] and Aang were both smiling with hope "We're home" [Y/N] was overflowing with joy, she wanted to see the lemurs again" Appa gently landed on the ledge and all four of the friend...

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Katara's eyes were wide and full of wonder "Guys! It's amazing!" [Y/N] and Aang were both smiling with hope "We're home" [Y/N] was overflowing with joy, she wanted to see the lemurs again" Appa gently landed on the ledge and all four of the friends were walking up the walkway. Aang couldn't contain himself and was quickly running with [Y/N] following as best she could and Katara was walking alongside her brother who's holding his stomach "When are we gonna find something to eat?" Katara looked at him without dropping her smile "You're lucky enough to be one of the first outsiders to ever visit an Airbender temple, and all you can think about is food?" Sokka just shrugged "I'm just a simple guy with simple needs." Aang stopped at a rock ledge and pointed below him "So this is where my friends and I would play airball and over there is where the bison would sleep." 

[Y/N] Couldn't help but reminisce about the one time she tried to play airball with Aang, she got knocked down a lot and couldn't sleep on her back for almost a week. Aang turned to Sokka and Katara and sighed "This place used to be full of monks, Lemurs, and Bison. Now there's just a bunch of weeds. I can't believe how much things have changed."

 Sokka and Katara looked at each other before approaching Aang and [Y/N] "So this airball game, how do you play?" Aang looked at [Y/N] who also had a mischievous smile on their faces

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 Sokka and Katara looked at each other before approaching Aang and [Y/N] "So this airball game, how do you play?" Aang looked at [Y/N] who also had a mischievous smile on their faces. At each side of the play area are goals that the ball has to go through but Sokka is at a clear disadvantage since he's not an Airbender. Aang smiled knowingly as he moved the ball around his chest and to his back in a taunting way and tosses it up into the air which causes Sokka to look up, the ball came straight back down and without a single beat, Aang kicked the ball causing it to bump into multiple logs before hitting Sokka in the stomach causing him to fly back through the goal and into a pile of snow. 

"Hahaha! Aang 7, Sokka 0!" [Y/N] couldn't help but feel a little bad for Sokka but how funny he looked laying on the ground made her laugh. Sokka remained in his spot as he spoke to his sister "Making them feel better is putting me in a world of hurt." He quickly got up and started crawling forward to see a fire nation helmet that was pretty rusty looking "Katara, check this out." Sokka looked up at her worried "Fire Nation." He looked towards [Y/N] and Aang smiling at each other "We should tell them" She turned and put her hand by her mouth to be a little louder "Aang, [Y/N] there's something you need to see" they both rush forward while tossing the airball to each other "Okay!" Katara looked at them then back at the helmet with a saddened look and quickly used her bending to bring the snow down on top of the helmet as well as Sokka. They both ran up to Katara with pure curiosity and happiness "What is it?" she held her arms behind her back "Uh... Just a new waterbending move I learned." Aang put the ball under his arm "Nice one. But enough practicing. We have a whole temple to see." Aang started walking away but [Y/N] couldn't help but wonder why Katara looked so guilty, she ran up to Aang's side "Aang, something's not right. I mean, why haven't we seen any other people so far? Or any Bison flying around? You know very well that there is always more than one Bison flying around here no matter if the sun is up or down" He just barely turned to her "Come on, [Y/N] they may be doing something important or just using all of the Bison" She looked down to her feet "What if Katara was right? Maybe the fire nation found a way to get here?"  suddenly he stopped "[Y/N]... I understand your concern but I bet there is an explanation for it all, now will you please drop it? We're having fun!" she nodded with a smile "Yes you're right" quickly she snatched the ball from Aang's arms and tossed it up in the air with a laugh. Sokka wiped off the snow from his shoulder "You know you can't protect them forever" Katara avoided eye contact as she followed the two.

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