Chapter 8

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Aang quickly slid down the ice "Appa, stay here! Come on [Y/N]! We gotta get to the village as fast as possible!" I slowly slid down the ice trying not to fall onto my butt "B-But how?" Aang gives me a large grin while holding a pair of fish "Are you sure this is the fastest way?" He nods excitedly and the next thing I knew we're quickly sledding towards the village on the back of a penguin "Aang! Do you have a plan?! It better involve you beating up the soldiers!" He didn't look at me, he just kept his focus on the village getting closer and closer. The ship was gigantic and I'm sure it could house thousands of soldiers, 6 soldiers were standing in front of the women of the village with one of them looking ready to hurt Sokka, but Aang slid right under the man and knocked him down while launching his helmet onto his butt, all the children cheered for Aang as he slid past them and covered them in snow. 

I slid down to Katara's side and gently got off of the penguin while Aang fell off of it and slowly walked away "Hey Katara, Hey Sokka" Sokka just waved and spoke in almost defeated tone "Hey guys, thanks for coming" The man got up and his eye is the first thing I saw, it looks aged but it still seems like it hurts, his hair is cleanly shaved almost all around but for one part that contains enough hair to have a semi-long ponytail, he spread his arms out signaling the soldiers to surround Aang except for where I and the women of the village stood with Sokka still on the ground up against his sister's legs. Aang looked around at the fire nation soldiers and used his airbending to send a large amount of snow onto the soldiers to the left, the right, and in front of him but it seemed to melt off of the man with a scar "Looking for me?" the man seemed a bit surprised "You're the Airbender?! You're the avatar?!" Katara's eyes widened a bit "Aang?" Sokka's jaw dropped to the floor "No way" Aang and the man started to circle each other "I've spent years training, meditating. You're just a child!" Aang raised his eyebrow "Well you're just a teenager" the man started launching large fireballs towards Aang which caused him to use his staff to try and prevent it from touching his skin but he got close to villagers and caused everyone to scream.

I screamed in pain as I felt the skin on my left palm burn intensely, the smell of my burning flesh hit my nostrils which caused my face to scrunch up more, the fire burned right through the mittens that Sokka gave to me on the orders of Katara. As I held my wrists tightly I saw Aang's face through my teary eyes which showed sorrow and a small bit of anger, he turned towards the man "If I go with you, will you promise to leave everyone alone?" The man nods in agreement towards Aang which also tells the guards to bring him onto their ship. Katara moved closer to the guards, her face filled with sadness "Aang! Don't do this!" Aang looked at her "It's okay, Kitara. Just...take care of [Y/N] and App for me until I get back!" I quickly got up to attempt to get Aang from them but I felt a hand on my wrist and a familiar voice in my ear "We're gonna get him back [Y/N] I swear it" I'm thankful for Katara's kindness and determination 

"Set a course for the fire nation, I'm going home" The large stairway started to lift and I could only see Aang's silly little smile but it wasn't earnest and fell once it was almost closed. 

I could feel my vision get blurry with fury and sadness. It was always hard to be away from Aang, it makes me feel small and helpless, it makes me think of my family which gets me pretty down since I miss them so much. Suddenly I felt a gentle hand on my forearm, I looked up to see Sokka "Here, let me help you [Y/N]" I smiled through the tears and hugged him tightly "He's gone....."

**Time skip**

Sokka was able to use the snow to help my burning hand before wrapping it up with a piece of one of the tents in the village, I couldn't thank him because of the realization that Aang wasn't coming back on his own. Katara and I stood on the ice facing the direction the ship went. "We have to go after that ship Sokka! Aang saved the village, now it is our turn to save Aang. Why can't you realize he's on our side!? If we don't help him, no one will! I know you don't like Aang but we owe him..." "KATARA!!" I and Katara turned around to see Sokka by a boat "Are you gonna yap all day or are you two coming with me?" he gestures to the boat. Katara quickly hugged him as I smiled widely "Now, let's go and save [Y/N]'s boyfriend" I gasped loudly "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" Sokka just shrugged as Katara laughed "Whatever" 

"What do you three think you're doing?" Their grandmother stared at us with a turn face then quickly smiled at us "You'll need these, you have a long journey ahead of you" She held up a bundle of sleeping bags and brought them closer to us "It's been so long since I've had hope, but you brought it back to life my little water bender" She hugged Katara gently with a smile. Their grandmother turned to Sokka "And you brave warrior, be nice to your sister" she quickly hugged Sokka as he sighed "Yeah, okay Gran" he smiled widely. She turned to me "Aang is the avatar, he's our only chance, My grandchildren found you and him so he'll need all of you during this long journey" she looked at them "Now your destinies are entwined with theirs"

I turn towards the canoe Sokka was ready to use "I don't think we'll catch a warship with this" Suddenly I heard Appa groan loudly as he got closer. I instantly rand towards him "Appa!" 

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