Yoongi jumps, pleading for mercy with his eyes. "FIX THIS!" I scream, veins popping out the side of my forehead. "GET THE FUCK OUT AND FIX IT!" He glances over at me once again and scurries out. As he leaves, I try my best to contain my anger, but I can't. My once pristine office is now part of the aftermath of my wrath. If we don't find the girl, we're fucked. My plan-it'll be ruined!

Moon Taeil

Staring into the abyss, that's what my life has become of. I had a bucket list when I was younger; there were so many things that I wanted to do, places I wanted to see. Instead, I'm stuck in this dingy hospital room, locked and loaded with all sorts of pain killers. If I knew my last moments would be this miserable, I would've told them to kill me straight up. I continue staring, counting all the different shades of tiles on the wall, when suddenly a thought pops up in my head. The same feeling I've been having for many weeks. My sister. She's three years younger than me and a lot smarter too. A smile is drawn across my face as I recall our many memories together, our childhood wasn't perfect, but we loved each other. When mum and dad passed away, she was all I had, and I was all she had. But I left her, for this life, I left her. She must hate me so much; she never picks up my calls, replies to messages. She doesn't even cash out the cheques I send her.

If only I could see her one last time, feel her in my embrace and tell her how much she means to me. I thought what I was doing was for her safety, but it wasn't, I was selfish. I look to my left, slowly lifting my heavy hand to wipe off the falling tears. Taeyong, he's gone. He told me that he went to go and get some food, but it's been a while. Taeyong. That kid, that annoying little kid who grew up to be such a fantastic leader. He's like the brother I never had, someone I've always wanted to protect. He may not say it now, but I know that he cares for me too, he's just not too good with his words and emotions. Especially after Seulgi passed, he's never been the same. Maybe it's not too bad, passing. I've never really believed in the afterlife or anything like that, but I can feel it in the bottom of my heart. Feel that I will finally see my parents again, catch up. Will they be proud of me, a son who left his sister for a gang? I feel a sudden pang of anxiety, how could they ever accept me after all I've done? It's not all about my parents though; I'll get to see Seulgi again and even Yoona. No one may have liked her, but she was still so young, I know that the mask she had slapped across her face was fake. It was slowly peeling off, but I guess she never had the chance to show her right side.

Chance. I've had so many. There were so many opportunities that I've missed, so many times I could've found someone. I've always wanted children, the little bundle of joys that light up anybody's world. I was so looking forward to finding someone and settling down, raising smart children, getting them into sports and attending all of those school events. A simple life, that's all I ever wanted. The tears begin to fall again, and I let them run, with no one around, it's much more comforting. I can't let them see me cry, not now, not when they're so emotional and on edge.

The brightness of the day slowly starts to fade into the night. I watch as the bright sun falls and disappears. After what feels like forever, Taeyong finally returns, freshened up and with a small smile. I tilt my head, what's with the smile? I've been here for a week, and not once, have I seen him smile. "Hyung, I brought you a surprise," he speaks, mood a lot lighter than before. I lift myself, wincing slightly at the effort required for me even to move. Behind the door peaks, a small head, who is that? I squint my eyes, trying to see who it is, but the darkness of the room makes it hard for me to tell. The small shadow grows larger as this person walks closer, a low sniffle sound coming from their nose. No. No, it can't be. I recognise that sound, the familiarity of the way she walks. "Joohyun?" I ask—my sister.

The dark shadow steps into the light; it is her. The outline of her face is so similar; she's a lot more mature than I remembered. Her baby fat completely gone and replaced with a beautiful young woman. "T-Taeil," she whimpers, tears streaming down her face, "I'm so sorry." I look up at her once again, motioning her to come closer. At this angle, I can see her face glisten under the bright moon once again. Indeed, she has grown up, and her hair, it's so perfectly combed down. Back then, I used to tie her hair for her, seeing her so much mature makes my heart sink to the floor. "Don't be," I painfully let out, "it's not your fault." She walks closer, dropping her bag down to the floor as she witnesses my face, it must be so drained and disgusting. She grudgingly takes another step and lays down next to me. I pull her into a hug, "you've grown up so well Joohyun-ah. You're so much more mature, so pretty. I'm so proud." She trembles ever so slightly, sobbing into my hospital gown, "Taeil!" she cries, "don't leave!"
"I shouldn't have left you that day," I reply, "this is my fault. I'm so sorry, sorry that I couldn't be a good enough brother for you."

She continues to sob, shaking like a leaf, "No! It's mine. I was so appalled that you joined a gang that I broke contact with you. I was so stupid back then. I'm so sorry. I didn't put myself in your shoes, and n-now you're going," she chokes, before wailing. The last time I saw her cry like this was when Mum and Dad passed. I pull her in even more tightly, now sobbing myself. It's all too much. I can't leave, not when I have so much to catch up on. It's not fair. It's not fair!

We eventually pull away, Taeyong still standing at the door. He decides to leave, and we begin to talk. We catch up on everything we missed. She told me about everything she had achieved at such a young age, managing an entertainment company by the name of SM or something. I hadn't heard it, but apparently, it's part of the big three. I also caught her up on everything going on, and she listened, giggling now and then. We chatted away for hours, the moon now disappearing and the sun shining once again. At least now, I can go in peace. The one wound biting at my heart for so many years is healed. I smile to myself; the end is near. 

I lay back into the soft pillow, taking in my last breath with a smile. This is it. You've done well Moon Taeil. 

I lay my head back, finding comfort in the fluffy pillows as I close my eyes for the last time. 

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