•Chapter 4•

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Sally's P.O.V

I grabbed his wrist and ran. As fast as I could but he was faster so he ran in front of me while he held my hand. I looked behind me. These walkers were fast. "DAD!" Carl yelled as I grabbed my gun with my free hand and shot some walkers in the head.

One grabbed my leg and dragged me to him (it was a guy walker). "NO!" I screamed as I kick it's.

Wait I have a gun!

I shot the walker in it's head. Carl grabbed my arm and yanked me up as he shoot some walkers in the head.

"CARL!? CARL!?" I could hear Rick calling for Carl. "SALLY!?" Michonne called. "SALLY!?" Daryl yelled.

"THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORE!" I yelled. I'm pretty sure they're were in the food section and store as usually split in two sections. Food and other stuff like clothes, make-up, toys, bikes, etc.

"IN HERE!" Carl said as quickly yet gently pushed me into a glass container.

I wrapped my arms around Carl's waist. "Hey, we should be fine for a while. The glass is 7 inches thick, they should be here soon." Carl said.

"It's not that I'm scared of their faces." I said as I burring my face into his chest, "Hehehe, we'll survive!" I chuckled as he played with my hair.

"To kill time, why are you scared of walkers faces?" He asked. "There was this one room where I would stay in. Every Monday (because everyone hates Monday's) father will put one walker in the room at a time." I paused.

"The thing is, is that the room is pitch black and every time I have a glimpse of light all I could see is their face. I don't like it. It scares me!" I finished explaining.

"Ah, I see." he said as more pounding on the glass came, "But are you scared of them?" He asked. I chuckled again. "I'm more scared of my own father then them to be honest."

Suddenly gunshots were heard. I was about to look until Carl grabbed my head and placed my head into his chest. "Not yet, they're still there." He said. "Thanks." I said while he let go of me.

Daryl opened the door. "Are you guys okay?" Rick asked concerned. "We're fine dad!" Carl said annoyed. I wonder why? (~That was not sarcasm, so read it again with out a sarcastic tone!~)

"Okay, we'll be here for a little longer." He said before leaving us.

~Later that Day~

I was with Carl chilling on the fields. It was beautiful, nice white clouds, blue sky, no walkers, nice breeze. I love it. "Hey, do you wanna have a drawing competition?" Carl asked as he rolled onto his stomach.

"Your an artist?" I asked. "Yeah! But I want to see how good you are!" He said. "Okay fine!" I sad as we both grabbed a sketch pad, since I brought two.

I thought for a while, 'what am I gonna draw?' I looked at Carl, BINGO!

I started moving my pencil up and down and side to side. I had to make it specific.

•An Hour Later•

"DONE!" I yelled as I threw my pencil in the air. "Finally." Carl said. "Huh? How long have you been waiting." I asked. "2 minutes now." He answer." "Really!?" "Yeah!" "anyways show me your drawing!" "No, ladies first!"

"That's so cheesy!" "Fine, on three!" He said.




At the same time we turn our sketch pad to show each other our drawing. I gasp. I looked at the drawing. It was me. The eyes, bangs, nose, lips, dimple, and scar. "I guess we both had the same idea." He said.

"Yeah." I agreed.

The rest of the day we just chat till it was dark.

"Come on, let's go to sleep." I said getting up. "Yeah, okay!" He said.

Carl walked me to my cell. "Well," I said as we reached my cell, "Good night Carl!" I smiled.

Carl's P.O.V

She smiled, then she turned around to walking into her cell. "Sally!" I exclaimed, I love you, say it! Three simple meaningful words. "Good night!" I said as we both walked away.


Why couldn't I say it. Well I know the answer to that.



But guess what? I'm not telling you what's happening next!


I'm sick! I have a high fever, stomach flu, and something else so I'll try my hardest to update!

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