Chapter Eleven

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Within minutes, a police car pulls up and a lady jumps out, running over to the little boy. She's hugging him so tight, Annie thinks his face is going to turn blue.

"Everett! I was so worried," the lady exclaims. "One minute you were right next to me, and the next you were gone! Where did you go?"

"I saw the coolest thing—an orange cat with a sock on one of his feet!" the little boy answers. "I just followed it a little, but when I caught it, I didn't know where I was..."

"He's lucky this sweet little girl with the pillowcase was here to help!" says the lady with shoes made from every color in the world.

"That's not a pillowcase! That's a cape!" Everett exclaims. "Don't you know a superhero when you see one?"

The wind starts to blow just as it had against the curtains that morning. This time, though, it isn't going to knock Annie over. She widens her stance and, putting her hands on her hips, she leans into it. The wind picks up some more and lifts the cape off her back.

"See! She's a superhero!" Everett proudly proclaims.

All eyes turn towards Annie, and she smiles, as a flood of the day's happenings fly through her. All the things she had done come to mind— helping Mrs. Hoppletopper with the hose, scaring the birds away with her golden lasso, saving the girl's ball from the train tracks, and now Everett...

Her smile broadens and her whole body tingles as a thought hits her all at once. "Why did I think I needed to save the world from big things? Maybe that's not what the world needs. Maybe the world needs help with all of the little things. Wait, that's what kind of superhero I am! I am a SUPERHERO OF LITTLE THINGS!"

Annie's smile is now the biggest it has ever been. After a long day of searching, Annie realizes, she doesn't need to look all over to find her superhero powers or where a superhero is needed. A Superhero of Little Things is needed everywhere!

Annie looks over at Everett and winks. Throwing her cape over her shoulder, she winks at Witz. And this time, he definitely winks back.

As they start to KA-PLINK KA-PLUNK their way home, Annie looks Witz in the eye and says, "Maybe tomorrow we should wear masks to hide our identity. You think they make one small enough for you?"

                                                        THE END

It's not quite the end... There is a little more------------------------------>

Annie Rapinni : Superhero of Little ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now