Chapter Four

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As Annie jumps off the last step, she puts one finger on the tiny, shiny, green sticker on her forehead, closes her eyes really tight, and says, "Oh tiny, shiny, green star—help me find what kind of superhero I am and where the world needs my help."

Opening her eyes, Annie sees something wonderful on the ground. She drops to her knees and puts her hand out to gently touch a furry, green, little caterpillar crawling across her path.

"You look like a very important caterpillar," she says, as it crawls up her finger. "How would you like to be my partner? All superheroes should have a partner."

The little caterpillar wiggles in an up-and-down motion, as caterpillars do. Annie takes this as a yes and is certain it is a sign.

"You will join me, and I know exactly what I will call you," she exclaims. "You're Witz! Because Mommy always says I need to keep my wits about me."

As Annie stands up, she puts Witz on her left shoulder and asks, "Now, where should we go first?"

Annie taps her finger on her star and blows her cheeks in and out. This action always helps her think.

"The big buildings are right downtown. We should see if there are any calamities there!" she blurts out. "What do you think Witz, downtown?"

Again, she could swear Witz moves up and down as if he is nodding. And again, Annie takes this as a sign, and they begin their journey one KA-PLINK KA-PLUNK at a time.

Annie Rapinni : Superhero of Little ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now