Chapter Five

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Not too far down the street, Annie and Witz come across Mrs. Hoppletopper, who is outside watering her roses and talking to herself at the same time. "So much to do, so much to do..."

She is so wrapped up in her own thoughts, she doesn't even notice Annie walking by.

Just then, Mrs. Hoppletopper's telephone rings and she drops the hose into a nearby bucket to run in and answer it. Before Annie can say "Crocodile Lips", the hose rolls out of the bucket and onto the porch, with a water stream so strong, it sprays all the way to Mrs. Hoppletopper's old timey car.

This wouldn't be a problem if the car's window is closed, but it isn't. If Annie doesn't turn the water off, the car might fill all the way up to the brim.

Leaping into action, Annie uses her cape to shield herself from the strong water stream. She throws the car door open, cranks up the old- fashioned window, and runs over to the hose to shut it off. Finally, she puts the hose back into the bucket where it belongs.

Mrs. Hoppletopper rushes outside to say, "Thank you, dear!" But Annie is already KA-PLINK KA-PLUNKING her way down the street and doesn't hear the kind words.

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