Chapter Seven

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On their way to the station, Annie and Witz come across an outdoor restaurant, abuzz with activity, as they prepare to open. A man delivering hundreds of beautiful, colorful flowers in big containers, places them right under a tree where there are squirrels scurrying, kids running around, and birds landing on the branches.

As Annie stands watching, more and more birds arrive until there are so many birds in the tree, that the branches begin sinking to the ground. As any kid knows, Annie thinks, where there are a lot of birds, there is sure to be a lot of bird poop.

Annie snickers to herself knowing what might happen, but then she realizes somebody needs to do something to save the flowers! Annie opens her pocket pouch and pulls out her golden lasso.

Running over to the tree and swinging the golden lasso, she yells, "Go away! Go away, birds! Go away!"

The birds squeal, squawk, and complain, but few by few, they finally begin to fly off.

Annie notices a few birds pooping as they fly away, but thankfully the flowers are safe!

When the flower man returns, he sees a funny little girl yelling and waving a long yellow string, and a flock of squawking birds flying away. With a slap to his forehead, he sees what she is doing, and he's so thankful his flowers have been saved, that he pulls out a bright yellow rose for Annie. But she is KA-PLINK KA-PLUNKING halfway down the block, still swinging the yellow string, screaming at the birds, and can't see the flower man's gift.

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