Just Say When Part 2 💋

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Request by: Timmytheemoedgelord
Ship: Todobaku

Things have been going pretty well for the young couple as of the last few months and Shoto have been noticing subtle things about Bakugo. Little things like how Bakugo doesn't lash out quite as much as he use to on friends whenever they annoy him, or when Mydoriya comes up to him he just stays quiet until he leaves. Not to say he hasn't been lashing out physically just more so behind closed doors and in the company of Shoto's arms rather than towards the ones causing it. Shoto felt a sense of pride swell in his chest for his boyfriends newfound strength and decided that it was time to show Bakugo what some of those special rewards were. 

"Shoto where are you taking me?" Bakugo grumbled as Shoto lead him away from the dormitories and towards the shopping district of town. Casting a sideways glance in his direction Shoto hummed not fully answering the question. Huffing Bakugo followed after his aloof boyfriend curious on where they would end up.  The shopping district was pretty busy that day and Bakugo wasn't in the mood to be nice to any poor bastard who decided to piss him off. Still though he walked behind Shoto in a clam manner hoping they wouldn't be there any longer than necessary. Walking further and further from the main streets of the shopping district Bakugo's brows furrowed  in a kitted way as he tried to figure his boyfriend out. Shoto stopped shy of an alleyway off the street and looked back at his boyfriend with a clouded gaze causing Bakugo to shiver in anticipation as chills went down his spine. 

"Katsuki,  I've been paying attention these last few months on everything you do," Shoto started looking away from Bakugo's frozen gaze. Bakugo on the other hand was now sweating bullets worried that his actions may have been questionable in the last few months. 

'Everything? Oh fuck,' was the main thought running through his head as he stared at the ground of the alleyway now further back in it where no one could see if Shoto decided to punish him right then and there. 

Bakugo thought of everything he done in the last few months that might of set Shoto off in the wrong way, however nothing was coming to mind on whatever the horrid behavior was to cause Shoto to punish him in any way. Then again this was Shoto he was talking about, anything could set him off and he not say anything about it until it was time to dish out the punishments. In the few months that Bakugo and Shoto dated Bakugo only needed to be punished once and that was because he went to far with Midoriya during a training session putting the kid in a comatose like state for a week. Thinking back on the punishment Bakugo shuddered reliving the pain he had to endure for almost killing someone. Nothing he had done in the recent months had been that bad so he was still coming up emptyhanded on any wrong doings. 

"W-what did I do?" Bakugo asked voice shaking slightly as well as his hands. Tears forming in a  pool like state around his ruby eyes making them appear glassy. His breathing hitching slightly as he felt like he was suffocating from the silence. Frowning Shoto looked back at Bakugo's state and shook his head. 

"Nothing bad Katsuki," Shoto replied running a hand through his hair walking over towards Bakugo. He ran a soft touch across Bakugo's cheek wiping away the rebel tears that fell against Bakugo's will. He didn't want to appear weak in front of anyone but Shoto was different. Shoto knew him like the back of his hand, listened to his silent screams and heard him when no one could. Did everything he promised he would and Bakugo was scared to lose him. "you've been behaving splendidly and I think its time for some special treatment." after listening to the explanation Bakugo felt a weight off his chest as he waited for anymore hints of what it might be that he would be receiving. Looking around the alley as more light shone in Bakugo realized that they were in front of a door that was large and a rusty metal. Shoto let his hand fall from Bakugo's face as he turned and knocked firmly on the door. The metal door opened slightly with a head peaking out of blonde buns. 

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